Nervous The Moody Blues Nervous (Moody Blues) [D] [/] [G] [/] [D] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [G][/][Bm][/][/][/][D][/][/][/] % W[D]hy am I so nervous, pl[G]ease explain to [A]me, why I can't sl[D]eep In my mind confusion, I see you everywhere, but we don't speak Tell me why I'm nervous, please explain to me, why I can't sleep 1. I cl[G]ose my eyes to sh[A]elter, in the d[D]ark I t[A]ry to h[G]ide 2. I t[G]ry so hard to to[A]uch you, but you're [Bm]always o[A]ut of r[G]each 3. Please explain to me, w (