Topic: Cardiac Kids Release of CD soon

After much work, more than I ever imagined we'll soon have our first CD entitled "It's Never To Late" completed. After all the work I now have total respect for those sound engineers we take for granted and expect to perform miracles. Its been a total learning experience in creating a recording studio and acquinting myself with the ins and outs of the production and creation of music from idea to CD, there is so much more to learn its humbling...
A few of our songs: We've Got the Rock(if you can handle the rolls) * The Golden Years Have Turned to Nickel * You Caught My Eye(when your boyfriend knocked it out) * Colusa County Jail * Hot Tub Blues * and more...
My Chordie Brothern will be the first to review it because I have thick skin!!!

Re: Cardiac Kids Release of CD soon

Love the titles and am looking forward to the finished product.

Not to worry though, from the reviews I've seen here on Chordie, you can expect more "raves than rants" with a bit of constructive criticism tossed in for good measure.

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: Cardiac Kids Release of CD soon

best song titles I've heard in awhile.  Looking forward to reviewing the album.  Kick ass that it's all finished.

Music is my savior/I was maimed by Rock and Roll/I was tamed by Rock and Roll/I got my name/From Rock and Roll

-Jeff Tweedy