Topic: what fingers to play what notes

I decided to take up the challenge of learning to play Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain by Willie Nelson, more than just the chords and strumming that i do now on songs that I play.  I understand when finger picking you use certain fingers on certain strings, and the same for chords.  However when you are playing individual notes is there some rule of thumb on what finger to use or is it really what makes you comfortable?  I have seen where you use the first 4 fingers on the first four frets but I am not sure how accurate that is or what to do when I start moving up the neck.  Nor how it is done when you play one string up and down the neck.  Looking to see what others do concerning this.  Thanks.

1991 Washburn D12CE/N
2006 Taylor 412ce

"What I want is songs that echo. The stuff we're doing now is like somebody's bedsheets; spread 'em out, soil 'em, ship 'em out to laundry, you know? But our songs...I want us to be able to fold ourselves up in them forever...understand?  Words and music."

Re: what fingers to play what notes

You can use any fingers that are comfortable for you, however, it is generally best to try to use the fingers to pick notes which are closest to the chord shape you are playing.  Notice the chord you are playing and try to use the fingers that are close to the note you want to play.  I hope this helps.

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I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: what fingers to play what notes

Thanks bensonp.  That is what I am trying to do now.  Sometimes makes me use a finger or two that are not as easy as the index finger but as I practice more and more I am hoping that it will get easier.

1991 Washburn D12CE/N
2006 Taylor 412ce

"What I want is songs that echo. The stuff we're doing now is like somebody's bedsheets; spread 'em out, soil 'em, ship 'em out to laundry, you know? But our songs...I want us to be able to fold ourselves up in them forever...understand?  Words and music."

4 (edited by bensonp 2010-09-14 15:22:59)

Re: what fingers to play what notes

There is no hard and fast rule for the guitar.  If you are more comfortable and can do it just as fast with your index finger and get back to the original chord shape in between, then that is the right way for you.  There are some people who say, no, it is better to learn it the right way from the beginning, and this is pretty true, but it boils down to what is easier and faster for you.  If, after lots of pratice, it sounds good to you, then you are doing it right.  Even the best players bend the rules.  How do you think they got so good?

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: what fingers to play what notes

Here's what I do.  It's not "right", but it's what I do. 

For the three bass strings, I use my thumb.  Then I assign a finger to each of the treble strings.  I use the index finger for G, the middle finger for B, and the ring finger for e.  That's kind of the way I do it, unless I do it differently for a particular song.  Some songs I just use the index finger and thumb.  Mostly Johnny Cash, because that's how he played a lot and it's easier to get "his" sound using "his" fingering approach. 

Hope that helps. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: what fingers to play what notes

Hi resprod,looks like bensonp has led you in the right direction, I do alotof picking this way and alot of the time my fingers will just go there automaticly and it will not be the same finger I used last time on the same song.I think its like a reflex reaction like when we are going to get in an accident or catch something.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: what fingers to play what notes

I do pretty much what Zurf does most of the time it just takes time and practice. There are so many ways to play depending on the song.  I may use my thumb for picking down and my index for picking up. Hope this helps. John Denver did some easy finger pucking. If you go to the top the moderators have posted some YouTube vids with different playing styles. Hope this helps

Re: what fingers to play what notes

Thanks.  I have been trying to use You Tube to see how Willie Nelson plays it but, like a piano player, sometimes you have to have the right finger size.  I am going to go Bensonp route and do what I can do comfortably and correctly.  I guess what really matters in the end is that it sounds good.

1991 Washburn D12CE/N
2006 Taylor 412ce

"What I want is songs that echo. The stuff we're doing now is like somebody's bedsheets; spread 'em out, soil 'em, ship 'em out to laundry, you know? But our songs...I want us to be able to fold ourselves up in them forever...understand?  Words and music."

Re: what fingers to play what notes

I play a lot with a thumb pick and sometimes I will use that to play individual notes.  IF there's not to many.  It all depends upon how you feel and what works.  There's some great advice in this thread.

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: what fingers to play what notes

I'm with Zurf on this one.   The thumb (generally) owns the bass strings 4,5&6 while the index and next two fingers own strings 3,2&1.  If you call the thumb T and you number the fingers 1,2,3,4 starting with your index finger as 1 you'll find finger picking tab makes sense.  Alternate pick pattern will be T 1 T 2 for example to mean Thumb picks first note, index picks next, then Thumb and then middle finger...or Thumb 1 Thumb 2.  Or you can improvise as there are many great musicians who do so.

Re: what fingers to play what notes

oz if you have any tips on thumb picks I'd appricate it. I tried them and it was a mess!

Re: what fingers to play what notes

Butch8844 wrote:

oz if you have any tips on thumb picks I'd appricate it. I tried them and it was a mess!

Not sure if this will be any help, but here goes.  I took up the thumb pick for doing bass strum rhythm's, as just using my thumb wasn't loud or clear enough in my group string band class.  The trick for me was finding one that would stay secure on my thumb without cutting off blood flow or be too loose that it would fly off.  Plastic is ok, but, I prefer metal ones as I can adapt and bend them to suit me.  The same would go for finger picks, metal over plastic.  I get a better clearer sound when I do play with others in the class.  (consisting of mandolins, violins, banjo's and the occasional ukulele and accordion.)

I have tried regular picks for note playing, but they are awkward for me. 

Hope that's helpful.

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

13 (edited by AccoustikNoyz 2010-09-20 01:24:42)

Re: what fingers to play what notes

ozymandias wrote:
Butch8844 wrote:

oz if you have any tips on thumb picks I'd appricate it. I tried them and it was a mess!

Not sure if this will be any help, but here goes.  I took up the thumb pick for doing bass strum rhythm's, as just using my thumb wasn't loud or clear enough in my group string band class.  The trick for me was finding one that would stay secure on my thumb without cutting off blood flow or be too loose that it would fly off.  Plastic is ok, but, I prefer metal ones as I can adapt and bend them to suit me.  The same would go for finger picks, metal over plastic.  I get a better clearer sound when I do play with others in the class.  (consisting of mandolins, violins, banjo's and the occasional ukulele and accordion.)

I have tried regular picks for note playing, but they are awkward for me. 

Hope that's helpful.

Oz here's another tip to go along with yours.  Herco makes thumb picks in different thicknesses.  The trick is to trim them with a fingernail clipper to shorten the part that plucks the string and also to change the angle of attack to the string.  Once you trim them they aren't nearly as likely to spin on your thumb so you can pick one that doesn't squeeze so hard on your thumb.  Lastly, when you've finished trimming it you use a fingernail file to create an edge down on one side, up on the other so the pick feathers the strings more smoothly.  Hope this helps.

Re: what fingers to play what notes

Thanks for all the tips guys.

Re: what fingers to play what notes

Yeah, thanks that last tip is helpful.

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg