Topic: 2 weeks smoke-free

I have been smoking cigarettes for over 30 years, 1-1/2 to 2 packs a day. Today marks 2 weeks without lighting a regular cigarette, but with the help of "vaping" e-cigs. I first read about e-cigs on a sports related message board and nearly every post was from someone who had quit or knew someone who had quit with the help of this wonderful device. I immediately placed an order and haven't looked back since.

I don't want to spam the chordie board by promoting this product, but I truly feel that it is the ticket for helping someone get off tobacco. If anyone is interested in additional information, please send me an email.

I already feel 100% better, no longer spend 15 minutes coughing my lungs up each morning and the entire planet smells and tastes better. I really feel like this device has helped to save my life.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free


Sometimes it pays to be a quitter.

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

I've quit many times in my life, but never for good.  I sneak em once in awhile now.  They just taste so good, believe it or not.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Good for you Tops,

I quit about 30 yrs ago, I will bum a cigarette while playing with friends once and awhile. I usually don't smoke it but I like to stick the lit cigarette between my low e-string and the headstock to look like a rock n roller smile

Later, Wayne P

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Congrats Topdown

I have seen people on Youtube put the lit cigarette in between the string and the headstock. It does look cool but not cool enough to start smoking just to do it. Oh well I guess I will have to find another way to be cool.

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Hey Topdown; Here is one Chordian who is proud to say that I am proud of you.  Keep it up!  The fresh air which can start getting into your lungs will make for some awesome singing.  I never have been a smoker myself, but I understand it must be hard to give up.  Way to go!

Find a Path or Make One    This is a motto I have been following my entire life and one I am currently using with my music.
Big Jim from Ashville Ohio

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Hang in there, Topdown. The first month off cigs is the worst. Then the desire begins to fade.
You don't want to sweat this heavy withdrawl period over again.
I got off cigs after nine days in the hospital I spent recuperating for a five way heart bypass.
People who find they have heart disease like me who continue to smoke are idiots.
I tried to quit many times but after dealing with the surgery, I was quit for a month before I was able to smoke and the desire was managable by then. Been quit nine years.
A lady I know kept an ashtray full of ciggy butts in her closet. When the desire to smoke hit her she gave that ashtray a sniff to see if she really wanted to get back into all that mess.
God give you strength, sir.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Good effort Tops!

I made it a whole week once......  right up until my lovely "spousal unit" threw a pack at me and hollered "Quit being such a bastard!".

I guess it made me a little irate or something.

Hang in there, and your body will heal itself if there's no damage done so far.

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Thats Awesome, stay at it man, you can do it.   I did it 4 years ago cold turkey, smoked 30 years,pack a day,and just up and quit. Many benifits to quitting cigrettes. Stay the course and find out. I'm pulling for ya.

badeye   too cool

one caper after another

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Thanks everyone - I waited 2 weeks to post to make sure I could do it. I honestly do not miss the old cigs at all. If you or anyone you know is looking for a way to quit, search for e-cig forum, or look on you-tube for e-cigs. Vapor 4 life is the brand I started with, but there are numerous options out there.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

way to go! I quit 10 years ago but not untill I seen the xrays and what my doctor said so keep it up and you wont wind up useing an inhaler 4 times a day and regretting ever starting

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Hey Jeff, I've looked into the numerous options out there to help with quitting and I thought the e-cig looked like the thing that would probably work best for me (either that or just cold turkey).  I'm not ready yet... but when I am I will be sure to check into that brand.  Good luck, as long as you stay positive I'm sure you can do it!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Well done topdown I stopped a few weeks ago to, hard but I am determined this time. I find allready that it helps me with my singing, well thats what I think not listening to all the others. My Wife still smokes, that makes it a lot harder but I will stop. We should keep this going and see how many, including ourselves that it will help to stop. Keep it up with you all the way Roger

Life is but a journey that I don't want to end, that now my day's with D and my guitar I spend.

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

keep it up top! I smoked for 15 years and stopped 4 months ago. What I started doing was the 12 dollars a week I was spending on "cancer sticks" is I put it in a piggy bank, well 4months later I got a fat pig with $190 dollars and counting. I quit cold turkey, not that hard but I did go through alot of minty fresh gum!! I still fight with the thought of smoking or just throwing in the towel, but now my daughter and my wife actually like to get close to me since I don't stink like an old wet ashtray!!

Forgive your enemies, but always remember their names!

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

When I quit 4 years ago , I used the patches, and they burn your skin!  Had to pick a new location every day.. if they had had e-cigs back then, I definately would have used them..Congrats Topdown, stick with it, its worth it.

Now available in 5G !

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Congrats man....that's great news. We lose too many good folks to lung cancer. Keep up the good work!

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Kudos topdown!  And think of the money you can spend on other things like music and fun stuff.

I grew up in family of heavy smokers.  When we sold the house and started cleaning the paint work, I was shocked to discover that the color was white not dull yellow.  Never touched the stuff myself, but as a registered nurse, it still amazes me how many nurses and doctors still are addicted to nicotine.   

Tom Rowe, a member of my favorite folk group, "Schooner Fare" died of throat cancer.  He was a smoker and younger than me.

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Awesome news Tops!!!! Stay strong.

Now all your cig money can go towards your GAS!!!

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

hey topdown,nice to hear you are making it. I have smoked about 20 some odd years,I only smoke seven or eight a day but it would be better if I stopped altoghter,your posting this here is what I belive a go ahead for many of us doubtors of the e-cigerette,so thank you for letting us know. Ithink I may give it a try soon.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Thanks again everyone - for me anyway, these e-cigs have been amazing. There is no way I am going back to smoking. Here's a great article for those who may be trying to quit and are interested in the e-cig option. … 92010.html

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Hi agian topdown, I am going to look up some of the sights that sell them,my sister is going to look also,she smokes alot and wants to you have any tips of were to look at?, you can e-mail me at my home address if you want.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

dino - my best advice to spend some time browsing this forum:

also - do a search on u-tube, there are lots of video reviews.

Good Luck!

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Hey all, six years ago I was very Ill and in a hospital for some time. When i was able to return home and thought of smoking again I said no, I won't smoke today. I told myself that for several weeks until I no longer thought about it. Have never smoked since.
Worked for me. Good luck and God bless.  b

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

Good on ya bobwill - whatever works it's all good

I'm going on 3 weeks+ and have no desire to light one up. I feel better than I have in years (and surprisingly I think my voice is better too)

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: 2 weeks smoke-free

other comparative good news. I work with a guy that complains to me that he and his wife spend
$140 US on cigarettes a week.... With the help of my trusty calculator, thats a new guitar every two months or a new super nice guitar every 4 months..  Just  a thought...

Now available in 5G !