Topic: How much hotrodding is possible/feasible?

Hi all,

I'm a longtime saxophonist who's fallen in love with learning guitar.  I got a great deal on a really really good MIM Strat (verified by two pro guitarist buddies).  Looking down the road, I'm probably gonna upgrade the pickups -- does that mean the wiring too?  Also, how much hotrodding is viable?  If I eventually upgrade the neck, the tuners, and the nut will I notice the difference?  Will it become comparable to an American Strat?? 

Thanks in advance.

Re: How much hotrodding is possible/feasible?

WElcome to Cordie Sax, I know little about electrical guitars, but it probably can't be turned into a Strat of any kind. But more knowledgable people will be along

Re: How much hotrodding is possible/feasible?

Welcome Sax!

Replacement pickups always come with the appropriate gage wiring attached.  Just solder the ends the where the old ones connected.  Other things to think about are parallel versus series pickup wiring and what you are hoping to emulate with this guitar. I recently had a MIM Strat that had great pickups in it that i would not consider changing.   Your choice of amps will have a huge impact on your sound. Pickups are cheaper to change than amps are but I'd consider amp choice over pickups.  I've got some 40 plus year old guitars with the original pickups that sound great through my amp. Effects pedals are the other consideration.. These are also going to color your sound...Every electric player that I know, has a bunch of them.  But I digress... Your guitar is a MIM Fender Strat.  Fender does not use cheap  or inferior  pickups on their guitars.  So, if you're looking to make it a shred-metal-machine, you might look for those type of active pickups, otherwise, I'd leave them alone.  Good Luck!

Now available in 5G !

Re: How much hotrodding is possible/feasible?

Addendum:  Your guitar is already comparable to an American Strat with the exception of the finish. While Some American Strats come with nitro-cellulose finishes, most MIM Strats have polyurethane finishes.  Note the difference between some and most.  One is more durable than the other. Which do you desire? As for the neck tuners and nut etc.  remember that this is still a Fender guitar.  Americans guitars with the same ingredients will always demand a higher price because of that USA decal and USA labor.  The MIM Strat that I had was flawless, from tuners to neck to body, finish, electronics, everything. It really was a guitar that needed nothing to improve it.  Now, I haven't seen or played yours, but don't let that MIM sticker be a stigma...

Now available in 5G !

Re: How much hotrodding is possible/feasible?

Hi and welcome to Chordie! In answer to your question about hotrodding, not much limits to what can be done with Fender Strat or a Gibson Les Paul...truck loads of aftermarket goodies out there that can increase performance, change sounds, looks, handling, etc. I'm a big fan of the MIM Fenders and really don't see anything wrong with them once they've been properly set up (that goes for the American versions too). But if you want to change the sound then it's fun to try different pickups. Dimarzio and Seymour Duncan both have great websites that gives lots of info about pickup selections, wiring, and set ups. One can always change out hardware such as upgrading to better tuners, or perhaps locking tuners but that's depending on how much you want to spent and if you actually get any real performance differences. Painting can get interesting too! If you are good at it then strip it down and go for it...if not, strip it down and take your ideas to any automotive paint shop and they can paint it for you...
Most of us on this forum have a condition known as GAS...guitar aquisition sydrome...the immediate concern is that now you'll have to get another guitar to play while you've got this one apart being worked on...

Middleaged Redneck sorta guy who refuses to grow up...passion for music, especially Southern Rock but like bout everything cept Gangsta/Hip Hop. Collect guitars, mandolins, and love to ride Harleys.