Topic: Look what I've gone and done! Gulp!!
I’m sure not everyone on here are beer swigging, pot smoking, burger eating, loud mouthed, head banging, guitar players, I’m hoping there are a few runners amongst us?
I’ve entered a half marathon a few weeks ago which would have given me 15 weeks to train, however holidays and illness have struck and I now only have 9 weeks left. I raced bikes for 15 years and retired 2 years ago so I have a good level of base fitness but since stopping racing I’ve done little or no fitness work at all and I’m 28lb heavier.
Does anyone on here run who can offer any advice on training etc. I’m building slowly and can manage 5 miles at 9minute a mile pace on hilly terrain so I’m hoping for a sub 2 hour run. I plan on just building my longest run week on week up to about 10 or 11 miles before resting in the last week.
Blackstar HT 40 Club - Vox VT30 - Behringer ACX ultracoustic 1000