Topic: Publish My Songbook

Hi All
Cant seem to make my songbook public. Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Publish My Songbook

Hi Chris.  Click on the "My Songbook" Tab.  Choose the songbook on the left that you would like to use.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for "Make songbook availiable to everybody:" then click on the button that says "publish"


Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Publish My Songbook

Hi Amy
Thanks for reply. Done what you said, seemed to work but cant find my songbook on public books

Re: Publish My Songbook

If you go back to the "my songbook" page, then click on the songbook that you made public, on the top of the page, under the title and above the list of songs in RED it will say, "Note: This songbook is public".  If you see that, then it's been done.  If you click on "view/print songbook" then you can copy that URL and give it away to others to view. 

There are really SOOO many public songbooks that it's hard sometimes to find just the one you're searching for.  New ones are added everyday.  You can also go to the public songbook page and do a search based on the name of your songbook (hopefully it's unique!!).  I tried to search using your username, but there are sooooo many that come up with the word "Chris" (in the title, membername, song name, song author) that yours can't easily be found that way.  "mekidsmom" doesn't show up anywhere else, so it's easy to find mine by searching just my username. 

Let me know how you fair with this!  smile  You could always rename your songbook if you need to make it easier for someone in particular to find.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.