Topic: Promotion comes from God...
Wow....God is sooo good!!!
Last night I played at our Jurisdictional Convocation (COGIC) because my choir was selected to play in support of our Pastor who was bringing the word.
So I brought my gear and prepared to play. I felt very nervous because I hadn't played at the Jurisdictional events in over a year or more. I went into the bathroom with my guitar on my back and prayed that God give me peace and calm and I felt better.
So I went back upstairs and tuned up and played when the rest of the musicians arrived. I played very quietly and laid back because I was saving up for when our choir went up. We had a very powerful and fast rocking selection that we were going to sing that requires me to do a lot of downstroke power-chords in quick succession. That song "Whos on the lord's side" wears out my arm (until I get stronger) so I took it easy.
Well, it turned out that they wanted the Jurisdictional Choir to play instead of our choir so we didn't get to do the song. Then our Pastor brought the word and I forgot all about not being able to play our choir's song. It was awesome!!
We had an Ordination service also and I got a chance to play under the direction of the Jurisdictional Minister of Music, Ricky Payton!!! He led us as we played along to the ordination service...telling us when to play softly...when to play loudly and when to break and resume. It was awesome!!! I felt like I was in an Orchestra with a Maestro leading the way. I have never experienced something like that before and it allowed me to relax a bit more, even in unknown territory.
We played amazingly until the end of the service and ended it soooo professionally with a build up and then a STOP. I ended with a lightly distorted power chord trail-off and it sounded soooooo awesome with the rest of the music!!!
when we all started packing up...the Bassist said that he liked the way I played and asked me if I was interested in playing for the state.
My jaw hit the floor...then I picked it up and said "YES!!"
I gave them my information and they asked me if I could bring my gear and play the rest of the week for the Jurisdictional Convocation.
Tonight will be night two...I'm sooo excited!!
Thank you Jesus for answering my heart's desire!!!
*Praise dance*
but mediocrity knows nothing more than itself."
-Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle