Topic: Strumming

I've been playing a lot of chords music lately and its brought me to the topic of strumming because sometimes i find it hard to come up with a pattern that fits the song. I find it most hard to come up with a strumming pattern for a slower song where there's lesson strums per chords. I was wondering if anyone could help me or suggest me a video to watch that will help me come up with a strum pattern for ever song I play.

Re: Strumming

David Taub at nextlevelguitar has some good strumming lessons on YouTube.  Try some of these out and let us know what you think. … re=channel

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I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Strumming

Dave and the "GOOD PEOPLE" at Next Level have alot of good lessons. Check em' out.

Re: Strumming

I just follow the rythm of every song. Example have you ever found yourself playing imaginary drums when a song you like comes on the radio. I apply the same principal to the guitar, I just bang out the rythm in an up or down stroke. Oh and the most important thing, just keep practicing!!!! And don't cheat on your chords!!!! HAVE FUN!!!!

Forgive your enemies, but always remember their names!

Re: Strumming

what is your level of ability?
if it is not very high, give it time-- you will start to learn to feel stuff out
when i was learning i always felt like i was playing the same strum pattern
but then everything evolved and now i just start playing and it all comes together
tons of stuff on you tube

Re: Strumming

Get a metronome or use one if you have it.  Try to approximate the speed of the song.  Then once you understand how the steady tempo of the song works in a simple click, click, click, click, then you can begin to get what's happening with the rhythm. With each click there's a strumittystrum, so them you know that the pattern is strumittystrum.  Then the hard part is figuring out down strums from up strums.  And that's pretty easy because down strums are usually very full sounding and upstrums are usually softer and higher pitched because many folks only use the treble strings on up strums.  My advice is probably only good for folk and country music, so I recommend that you play folk and country music so that my advice makes sense.  big_smile

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Strumming

Right on Zurf,

Some metronomes have a tap tempo and instead of tapping your foot you can tap your finger on the tap button as you are listening to the song and it will tell you the tempo in BPM beats per minute and then set your metronome to the BPM and you have a good start.

Later, Wayne P

Re: Strumming

Strumittystrum.  I like it.  A new word for our music dictionary.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Strumming

If you are fairly adept at the instrument, when approaching a "slower" song, try just tapping and plucking around the strings while your other hand is forming the chords.  It's pretty hard to hit a "clam," as the notes that form the chord will be pretty much all that is available to you.  This, for me, is what makes playing a ballad much more interesting than just strumming all six (in MY case, FOUR) strings at the same time.

For more creative strumming patterns for faster songs, I'd get yourself a book of basic drum rudiments and try applying some of these to your guitar.

Me with my first ukulele, a Junior Beatles model, in 1966.  After Mom threw it down the stairs in a fit of rage, I became a drummer for life.  At age 43, I bought my second uke...

Re: Strumming

The other nice thing about a metronome is that once you get the pattern, you can slow down the tempo and practice the pattern slowly, increasing speed over time as you gain accuracy.  With rhythm, accuracy is more important than speed.  Speed will come, but accuracy must be practiced intentionally. 

PapaTom - Good suggestion on drum instruction.  I started out with trumpet, but broke one of my front teeth.  For the period until I could get my tooth repaired, I took drum lessons.  That month or two (I don't remember how long it was) of drumming instruction has been extremely useful to me throughout my musical life.  I had forgotten all about that until reading your suggestion. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Strumming

>>>PapaTom - Good suggestion on drum instruction.<<<<

Thanks.  Every once in a while, I manage to contribute something worth a read smile

Me with my first ukulele, a Junior Beatles model, in 1966.  After Mom threw it down the stairs in a fit of rage, I became a drummer for life.  At age 43, I bought my second uke...