Topic: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

I have to voice a concern over the quickly stated comments our goverments leaders have made recently about monitoring the internet for possable terroist and other illegal activities.  I, along with the other 99.99% of concerned citizens in our great country, support the work our law enforcement agents do to keep us all safe, BUT, opening the door to the net is the same as opening the doors to our home.  Sites such as this can be used to scan our computers without our knowledge or permission.  I have nothing to hide, but hands that are getting to old to do really goey turnarounds at the 8th bar, and I did my duty in a rotten stinking jungle (and unlike many TV shows seem to beleve today, we did not sit around reading porno and getting stoned in a bunker nicer than a motel 6) and I was able to watch on TV what happened to people our govt. agencies promised to support and protect as the last chopper tried to take off but went down because so many people were trying to hold on to the skids.  I love America but when you get right down to it,  The people in charge have not changed that much regardless of which side you vote for, do we want them scanning our lives, I know I don't but is it to late already?

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

I love to play my Guitar!!!! I love my guitar!!!!!

Forgive your enemies, but always remember their names!

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

Howdy Son Hawk & welcome to the Chordie Forums!

Nice to hear from you.  On to your concerns about the internet being a breach in the hull of our privacy.... maybe it is a little late for that worry.  In the grand scheme of things, it is doubtful that any government agency is all that worked up about a bunch of us old folks chatting about music and making connections with others with similar interests, regardless of our politics etc..  There are active monitoring programs running that are searching the chat logs and IM traffic along with the forums on "radical" websites.  Sifting through the torrent of words seeking out the references that have become the catch-phrases of organizations seeking to promote hostility..... but honestly there still aren't enough resources available to do the kind of searching required to infringe on anyone personally, unless you are on some active watch list somewhere because of something you have been publicly vocal about.

  Vigilance is always a good thing, but don't lose any sleep over it for the moment.  This is still the Land of The Free, and even though it doesn't always seem like the People have the power, and those people who we are most concerned about really are OUR Employees (even though they often forget that).  Freedom isn't free though, we have to keep earning it by using the rights we do have to ensure they aren't arbitrarily taken from us by our own inaction.

Semper Fi;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

4 (edited by arkady 2010-06-20 10:38:43)

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

Hi Son Hawk
Welcome to Chordie
When the governments (Not just the USA) of the world scan the internet for terrorists etc I think Chordie would fall well down the lists of watched sites and forums.
Posts of political views are as a rule not encouraged on the Chordie forums and posts will and have been deleted for their content.
Sure the governments of the world take every opportunity to gain information and the internet is just another way to do so.
I guess if you feel that to use the internet will make you vulnerable then just don’t  use it but as you say it's probably to late.
Anyway Chordies about music and guitars and long may it be so.....

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

long live big not that brainless TV show.

let's remember that the US government wanted to deport JOHN LENNON, why? cos he admitted taking drugs in the 60's...personally i didnt but a whole lot of people including many US government officials did! UK MP's did too.

long live the X files.

SHOUT AS LOUD AS YOU LIKE, they'll do it's just closet communism; we're not but they are, no matter what party they supposedly represent, it's themselves they ultimately cater for.

as gitardocphil said; "here lies a politician and an honest man, didn't know you could get two people in one grave!"


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

I have to say that as a 1st post on a guitar forum this is a very odd one. If this is your usual contribution to any online community then i guess you have more reason to be paranoid than most of us on Chordie.

Having said that, welcome to Chordie. When the governments of the world do actually impose a B chord ban then I'll start to worry.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

Just don't put your credit card number or SSN in any songs you write and you'll be fine.  Welcome to Chordie.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

My Man Cave / Computer / Music Room is subterranean with noise attenuating insulation and anti-eavesdropping electromagnetic noise filters on all incoming power and data lines. This is primarily so that no one can hear my guitar playin' and singing. To keep the gub'ment out, I always wear one of these.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

Hee hee lol Love it.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

I love just hangin out and I am ready if the government comes snoopin around

Later, Wayne P

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

speechless here!!!

"I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did." Yogi Berra
"It's like deja vu all over again." Yogi Berra
and my personal favorite Yogi Berra quote: "Ninety percent of this game is half mental."

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

Dangit Wayne !!!! You promised me you wouldn't share my photo with anyone else !!!

Give everything but up.

13 (edited by Son Hawk 2010-06-21 00:38:26)

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

Sorry if my posting's intent has been misunderstood.  It was brought about after reading of a "mid-term" election team using a shared site to locate voters who could be swayed to their person.  It was not ment to be negative to this site, or to the music we all love, and had nothing to do with the ideas shared.  I just feel it is wrong when our computer's can be turned into individule Watergates, and a company can access info. not related to this site for their own use.

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

SouthPaw41L wrote:

Dangit Wayne !!!! You promised me you wouldn't share my photo with anyone else !!!

Sorry Toney, I just had to share it smile

Later, Wayne P

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

Hey topdown I really like the headgear!!!. Son hawk I do not think the government would waste thier time here they dont have enough people besides. But just in case I am going to hide my stash of rogaine and viagra.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

paranoia will destroy ya

one caper after another

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

Whoooaa, Wayne, that photo is very disturbing on so many levels. lol

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

Say its not you, Wayne.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

History teaches us that the first order of business during a revolutionary takeover is to round up the poets, writers, musicians and journalist. The pen is mightier than the sword. I will never provoke but will always defend.
Johnny V

Re: I hate to sound overly paranoid, and I truly love this site, but...

hi sonhawk welcome to chordie,i can see your point  of veiw but personal info on here is not disclosed without the members permission and even then we are advised not to disclose any by the sites moderators so i don't think there is any worry on that part,its as safe as any site i have visited.....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool