Topic: Beatles songs

Why, when you click on anything to do with Beatles songs it doe's not load?

Re: Beatles songs

I believe that their are some copy write issues with the Beatles catalog, so they have to take it off.

1991 Washburn D12CE/N
2006 Taylor 412ce

"What I want is songs that echo. The stuff we're doing now is like somebody's bedsheets; spread 'em out, soil 'em, ship 'em out to laundry, you know? But our songs...I want us to be able to fold ourselves up in them forever...understand?  Words and music."

Re: Beatles songs

I'm a bit says that the copyright issues are only for those users originating from the UK.  I live in NY! I've actually been able to access these songs from friends' computers, but not mine. what gives? is there a setting I can change so that this website knows I live in the US?

Re: Beatles songs

Same here in Aus. can't access Beatles songs

Not one drop of my self worth depends on your acceptance of me.
"Quincy Jones"

Re: Beatles songs

The website admin has had legal copyright problems and has had to remove/block some songs.  Here's a link to a thread with some more information.  It's not necessarily the answer you're looking for, but a discussion of what's been happening with that issue.  Apparently the code placed to block the appropriate parties is a little haphazard, as a lot of folks in the US have noticed being blocked from time to time.  I'd suggest trying again, or checking out some of the other links given.  Maybe try without logging in, try again with logging in... or my BEST guess is that you need to edit your TIME ZONE.  I'm not sure how admin has the code written, but I'll guess it has to do with time zone!  smile 
The link to another discussion about this:

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.