Topic: Desert VS. Breedlove

I moved out to the California Desert about a year ago with my new Breedlove. She seems to be doing fine... I'm just wondering if I should be giving her some humidity. I never had to do this before, as I am from the deep humid south, so I don't even know what I need to get. Thanks guys!

Re: Desert VS. Breedlove

they do make small humidifiers just find a small place like a closet open the case and plug it in if your worried about it I cant imagine theres a whole lot of difference with humidity in California being that close to the ocean smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Desert VS. Breedlove

Hi and Thanks for Posting!

  See you've been "lurking" awhile.... that having been said, What part of the California desert are you in?  Spent a bit of time out in the High Desert myself (Morongo Basin), and really needed to humidify my 12 string while I was there.  Chances are that your Breedlove was built right over the hill from me here in Oregon (unless it is one of the Atlas Imports) and as such will like 30-50% humidity like when it was seasoned.  By all means keep it cased, and tuck one of those body humidifiers inside the sound hole to keep it from getting too dry and cracking the top.

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: Desert VS. Breedlove

If the humidity level is below 40 percent humidity, you may want to consider putting a soundhole humidifier in your axe.  If you notice the high e starts to buzz and ring a little extra, you may want to consider putting a soundhole humidifier in your axe.  Otherwise, keep on rockin'. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Desert VS. Breedlove

I keep a humidifier in my guitar all the time here.  Its a good cheap way to keep the wood from cracking.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Desert VS. Breedlove

Hi everybody, This is a subject that im a bit worried about, I live in Turkey now, from the uk and it gets very hot here. I have just got a new Martin and would hate anything to afect its sound and condition. My 12 string has suffered a bit over the years but I think the heat in Turkey has not helped, so any advice is most welcome. regards Roger

Life is but a journey that I don't want to end, that now my day's with D and my guitar I spend.

Re: Desert VS. Breedlove

Hi Roger,

  Depending where in Turkey you are will make a difference.... some areas are quite hot, but heat is not as big a factor as humidity.  The wood will swell and shrink with moisture content, and you will want to keep it as uniform as possible without rapid changes so that the wood does all of it's moving evenly across it's mass.  When allowed to acclimate slowly, it will get as dry or as wet as it is going to get and be happy until something changes too quickly.  Then something is going to give and cracking of the grain is the worst possible outcome.
  If I remember from my years there, things would be fairly warm and dry and then some freak monsoon would sweep down from the North and flash flood areas resulting in a Sauna for a couple of days.  Or we'd get a Sirocco out of North Africa that would cook you to death with a dry dusty heat.... rapid changes like that are hard on instruments.  Humidifiers are inexpensive insurance, and a good case reduces the shock of sudden change.  Heck, I saw my first White Christmas in Istanbul! 

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: Desert VS. Breedlove

My guitars are old and I keep them in an air conditioned room. They seem to do fine in there.
The heat and humidity here in South Alabama are brutal.
I learned my lession when my old Yamaha dreadnought acoustic pickup died after too many sailing cruises in the hot salty air. I bought a Martin backpacker to sail with and my buddy lent me a plastic - backed Applause guitar we both use for a houseboat guitar.
Gotta take 'em out to play outside sometimes but they store in the cool dry room.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Desert VS. Breedlove

Radio Shack makes a digital thermometer with hygrometer. It is about the size of a scientific calculator. I don't remember how much it cost but I know it was cheap. I used velcro and mounted it in the case for my beloved Taylor right above the little compartment. Now I know exactly what the humidity is inside the case. I keep a "Dampit" in the little compartment and use it whenever necessary.

Re: Desert VS. Breedlove

Thanks for that guys
I live up in the mountains in a village called Uzumlu near Fethiye, your spot on with the weather Doug it gets very hot in the summer and rains a lot in the winter.Humidity is not a big issue. Have taken all the info onboard  tubatooter. what a great site this is. would be lost without it here, not a lot of musical outlets here and the few that are sell Turkish music, dont get me wrong love it but have trouble singing it.

Life is but a journey that I don't want to end, that now my day's with D and my guitar I spend.