1 (edited by stealstrings 2008-06-26 20:31:58)

Topic: Face the Music

Face the MusicJCL Original

June 26 2008

[Am]Something different [G]something [Am]pure

[Am]Someone bloodied [G]on the [F]floor

[Am]Something real [G]something [Am]fake

[Am]Too much shit for [G]me to [F]Take....[F] [F] [F]

[G]And I have to face the [Am]music

[G]Latch on to make you [Am]sick

[G]And I have to put you [Am]through this

[G]Its the only thing there [Am]is

[Am]I like to lie I [G]like to [Am]steal

[Am]Choking through [G]you blew [F]chill

[Am]HIke for miles [G]to get [Am]away

[Am]Fell right through this [G]thorny [F]maze....[F] [F] [F]

[G]And I have to face the [Am]music

[G]Latch on to make you [Am]sick

[G]And I have to put you [Am]through this

[G]Its the only thing there [Am]is

Who is more foolish, the boy afraid of the dark...or the man afraid of the light?

Re: Face the Music

hi steelstrings we all have to face the music at some point,but its usually the consequenses that need to hit home when its too late to change whatever you do,good song....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: Face the Music


I really would like to know your thoughts when writing this piece ?  i wonder why i feel some one got hurt for this piece to come about?

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Face the Music

I dont think in all the time i have been a member of chordie I have looked at a songs lyrics and felt disgust,man this song stinks!

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Face the Music

sorry you feel that way Russel_Harding ....if you want to read some really lame , un-original , no content songs check out these titles-

Take care of my love
A church across the way
Lovers we were
Iron Underware

im sure your familar with them their yours...Sorry Russel_Harding YOUR songs all suck.

Who is more foolish, the boy afraid of the dark...or the man afraid of the light?

Re: Face the Music

yes there lame I forgot to mention blood on the floor and use profanity and most of my songs are about love, not killing or maiming and feeling no remorse only self pity grow up!

stealstrings wrote:

sorry you feel that way Russel_Harding ....if you want to read some really lame , un-original , no content songs check out these titles-

Take care of my love
A church across the way
Lovers we were
Iron Underware

im sure your familar with them their yours...Sorry Russel_Harding YOUR songs all suck.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Face the Music

this song is not about maiming killing  with no remorse, or self pity. its about me knocking up some slut and having a daughter whom i am having a hard time incorperating into my family ( 2 boys and a wife)

Who is more foolish, the boy afraid of the dark...or the man afraid of the light?

Re: Face the Music

I dont know your real name, if I did then I would address you personalally. One thing is clear to me after reading what you have just posted you are experencing a very troubling period in your life with yourself and your family as the consequences of your actions and you will need all the love and support from your family if you are to remain a family. No one is immune to making mistakes and to your credit you have taken the responsibility of careing for this child and incorporating this child into your family I respect you for that,what it boils down to has nothing to do with my songs i sense you were swinging after the bell and venting your anger and frustration and given the situation you are in I can forgive you for that because I found myself in pretty much the same spot you are in and tho you can never erase what happend you can put it in the past and move on and I pray you and your family can because it will take a lot of strength and forgiveness to survive this and I wish you and your family well and may God grant you peace and forgiveness to heal these wounds.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Face the Music

My twopenn'orth;

If everybody had a perfect life there would be no music.  I think this song has power, it's obviously from the heart as all good songs are.  I like the chord progressions too.

I listened to a couple of Russell Hardings songs on myspace and while they (as Russell pointed out) are entirely different, they too have merit.

This is a forum not a bum-fight!  If you have a criticism to make, make it but don't just say "you suck"!


I'm the son of rage and love

Re: Face the Music

good point bonebaddy  ....full apology Russell_Harding     , your songs dont suck ,im just nott interested in them.

Who is more foolish, the boy afraid of the dark...or the man afraid of the light?

Re: Face the Music

Steel no problem! we all have out days (I'v had my share on chordie thats for sure) and your not the only one who dont like my songs I have sales records that will prove that but I'll keep plodding along who knows I may yet get lucky smile so keep on writing who knows I may be asking you for your autograph someday! lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"

12 (edited by Jody Wayne 2010-05-31 07:49:36)

Re: Face the Music

Anybody want my autograph?

Russell I like your songs, and I like stealstrings song to.  Can I have both your autographs?  I'm really glad you two made up, I was getting a little worried.  Stealstrings, I would much rather see you vent your frustration writing a song, than to see you do it the ways I've seen it done many times in my life time.  I don't know you, but I still have to say, I'm proud of ya.

Good Luck and God Bless,

Re: Face the Music

Nice work on this stealstrings smile

Most times it's how you react to your reaction that counts. Well Done here. smile

Are you playing all the instruments here? and I'm curious about what you are recording with and was it hard to cypher out.

Hey I see you are in Chilliwack...Very Cool. My brother is in Abbottsford just a hop skip and stagger down the road. He's a family man now but into music when he can. His son is the drummer for a jazz band called Cinnamon Toast Funk Band. I don't know if you have heard them but they're really good. Check them out if you can. Here is their Myspace site.


Hope you don't mind me posting the link.

Anywho , I enjoyed my listen and I look forwards to hearing more from you. smile



Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Face the Music

Good recording, I liked it .

Your voice reminds me sometimes while listening of Eddie Veddar.

Now i see your explaination for the song i can understand it more.

Thanks for sharing.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

15 (edited by selso 2010-05-31 21:37:01)

Re: Face the Music

I for one think it's a great song, lyrics and all. I also dont think you have anything to say sorry for. He out right disrespected you first. I dont know whats happening to chordie theses days but it seems like there's a lot of hateful stuff being said. Great song, keep it up.

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: Face the Music

Hiya Selso, Just stopping in to say Boo, I'm not sure if you caught it or not but that was two years ago and is water under the bridge, Ev-v-vverybodies a happy camper. big_smile

Sorry for dropping in stealstrings....You've been Chordieized and that means you have to post more music. smile



Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Face the Music

KAP54 wrote:

Hiya Selso, Just stopping in to say Boo, I'm not sure if you caught it or not but that was two years ago and is water under the bridge, Ev-v-vverybodies a happy camper. big_smile

Sorry for dropping in stealstrings....You've been Chordieized and that means you have to post more music. smile



I didnt even notice that. Maybe I'll think next time I open my mouth. Thanx Kap.

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat