Re: Ukulele players out there?

Well Ken,

There's a good uke version of Pinball Wizard on I've never tried that one on the gee tar so I don't know if the key is the same or what. E.G On the uke you really need to play brown Eyed Girl in F because of the intro I think it's normally in G.

As for D/G mix - ups, I'm glad to say I don't suffer from it. As I say, I think it's down to learning both at the same time.

Have you twigged that a D is the same as an A, and with the 2 bass strings of the guitar missing, uke C is a guitar G and an E, the toughest chord on a Uke, is the same as a B on a guitar? Basically it's all the same but 5 semitones higher and missing the bass.

Re: Ukulele players out there?

I never realised that with the chord patterns but you are spot on correct.

This could help me quite a bit i tihnk somehow, I dont know why yet but I am sure there is some technical issues in the chord patterns there,

Now while suffering a hangover I think I am talking twattles.

Like the guitar I cheat on the uke with chords, I think E is hard to do too so I just leave out the bottom string, like I do wit hthe chord B on the guitar,lol

If at first you dont succeed try again? NO!! if at first you dont succeed,,,,,CHEAT!!

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Ukulele players out there?

<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>upyerkilt wrote on Sat, 13 January 2007 13&#58;17</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">

Like the guitar I cheat on the uke with chords, I think E is hard to do too so I just leave out the bottom string, like I do wit hthe chord B on the guitar,lol

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

E is really tough. I think harder than B on a guitar even though you only have one string to bar. Try this though:

Get your left wrist up at the level of the headstock and out in front in a Larry Grayson (Ostentatiously homosexual TV presenter of the 1970s and 80s for those too young, cool or American to remember him) sort of stance. Now "Bar" ONLY the A string with your index finger but do it backwards so that you are pointing with your index finger towards the floor rather than the ceiling as you would with a guitar. The side of your fingertip is touching the strings so your cuticle gets sore and your wicklows go crazy but the bone structure of your hand means you have a solid lock on the strings.

Your knuckles at the hand end of your fingers are now quite a long way off the fret board and it is pretty easy to form the rest of the E chord with fingers 2,3 and 4 because they are coming in from a nice high angle. This leaves your index finger tucked underneath the other three which forms a structural lock on the Bar.

It hurts the knuckles on your index finger like a complete b*stard for the first few hundred times but you get a nice clean chord and eventually you get used to it.

I also play the A based Bar chords (Bb, B, etc.) differently. I have the index finger the guitar way up but I bar the E and A strings only with the tip of it. Again this is very painful until your joints get accustoned to it but it works really well.

If anyone can't understand what I'm on about, say so and I'll post photographs.

Word of warning: I have long bendy fingers. Your experience may differ.  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">

Re: Ukulele players out there?

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

cheers DW

I will give that a go

But i have shortish but maybe longish fingers but stubby, some would say fat and I would agree if you can get fat bones  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Ukulele players out there?

Let me know how you get on with it. It does hurt like a tw*t to start with.

Re: Ukulele players out there?

Hi Ken (and all),

I bought a Uke (Soprano) just after Xmas. It cost about 30 quid and I'm well chuffed. Bought my son a Mahalo on eBay for £13 too and it's almost as good as mine now that I've tightened the tuning pegs <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">

I used to play guitar quite a bit and for a while, had trouble with the smaller frets on the Uke. I still do, but I'm practicing. <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">

I'm considering trying out one of the larger Ukes to see of the fret size suit me better.


Re: Ukulele players out there?

Hi tim

It is a wee Mahalo I got too.
But now I have been playing it quite a lot I thin ki should get a bigger one with wire strings but cannot find one for under £50 yet ( the limit my wife will pay for my birthday)
I got 27 days to find one now or she might end up buying me something I dont want ( again!!!  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  I am so glad she doesnt read in here)


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Ukulele players out there?

You guys who are looking for a uke could do worse than have a look at what (userid) inlaidartist is selling on ebay. I have a Soprano uke in solid koa by him which is absolutely lovely in every respect and came in the best case I've ever seen. My wife paid $70 usd for it plus $65usd shipping. that's about ukp70 for a solid koa uke that would sell for at least ukp 250 in a misuc shop over here. <a href="" target="_blank"> =inlaidartist</a>

Two warnings:

1. You can pay a lot more than that. they are $199 on buy it now.
2. You are buying straight off the manufacturer who has factories in China and Vietnam. It's good but looking at his feedback, not everyone's a happy as I am. Also the strings that come fitted to them are crap. Get yourself a pukka set of D'addrios or Aquilias before it arrives to take advantage of the pukka construction.

Alternatively try an Ashbury resonator uke. They are absolutely fantastically loud and clear and look like a national guitar. £195 in hobgoblin music but from Pete Woodman they are £175 including a tuning peg upgrade but not includiong £10 postage to the uk.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

be aware that a concert uke has the same scale length as a soprano meaning it's no easier for the fat fingered. Strangely enough they do feel easier though but I suspect it's psychological.

Re: Ukulele players out there?

<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>Quote:</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">

be aware that a concert uke has the same scale length as a soprano meaning it's no easier for the fat fingered. Strangely enough they do feel easier though but I suspect it's psychological.

What about this then?

"...Concert Ukes have a lot more room on the fretboard for my "10 thumbs"

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Just curious.



Re: Ukulele players out there?

I've had both types and you do feel like there's more room, but when measuring it I noticed that, at least on my ukes, there was no difference whatsoever. Wierd eh?

Re: Ukulele players out there?

Mm. Curious <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile"> <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_biggrin.gif" border=0 alt="Very Happy">

I'll have to try a compariosn test at a shop, I think.



Re: Ukulele players out there?

I've played my little Flea to death.  I own many expensive ukes that I take to my uke club meetings, but the Flea is the one that stands near the computer. It's also my 'rain ukulele' ie. the one I take for outdoor use when the weather is questionable.  I have a plastic fretboard.  The rosewood fretboard is needed if you plan to use any wound strings.  I bought mine at Elderly Instruments on line.  They usually have the lowest prices on the Flukes and Fleas.

If you are looking for uke music, look on line.  There's lots of it out there.  But, if you get a chord book and a ukulele fretboard rubber stamp, you can put your own chord diagrams in songs that have the chords listed. You don't have to be limited to ukulele books for tunes.

The little uke is just plain fun!  It's very portable, not too difficult to play, and people usually smile when it's brought out.  People don't take ukes too seriously, so there's not a lot of performance pressure.  I've got enough experience so that I can usually convince an audience that it's no toy.

Re: Ukulele players out there?

while i am only 14 ive been playing ukulele for many years now. i own 2 ukes and my father owns several as well. i recently purchased my first electric/acoustic ukulele, the oscar schmidt ou14e and was pleased with its quality for only $140-$180 U.S. its sounds great acoustic or electric. i also recommend lanikai or bushman ukes and i find the concert size most enjoyable. as for uke books jumpin' jim offers a wide variety from campfire country songs to beautiful sophisticated hawaiian pieces he is the best provider

Re: Ukulele players out there?

I just bought a Kala Tenor ukulele from Stefans Ukulele and downloaded the chord chart that Stefan have on his site so now I will try to tune it with a Low G  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_rolleyes.gif" border=0 alt="Rolling Eyes">

Re: Ukulele players out there?

I've played guitar and a few other instruments for years. Usually teach myself. I've been playing uke for about 9 months now. It's the first axe I've learned with help from the WWW, namely and some discussion groups. Wow!, it sure cuts down the learning curve. Chordie's been my main teacher. I just pick a song I like and use the fingering charts to learn new chords. If the 1st set of chords it too tough I try another key! Perfect. I've learned 5 times as many chords as I ever did on guitar. Uke's so much easier to play!

I've got a Bushman Jenny concert that really love and a Mahalo soprano that I leave at school to play for my fourth graders. Any other teachers out there? Besides playing for fun, I'm hoping to collect some songs that help with teaching. I have a few to share if you'd like to trade.

Re: Ukulele players out there?

when i took up ukulele ages ago i found this brilliant website that had a ukulele neck at the top and all the chords below it, and it had a great tab for somewhere over the rainbow/what a wonderful world and pinball wizard, but i cant find it again  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_sad.gif" border=0 alt="Sad"> anyone know what i'm talking bout? <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_biggrin.gif" border=0 alt="Very Happy">

Re: Ukulele players out there?

Hello Crystals - Perhaps this is the ukulele site you are searching for:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Another great uke site (with nifty chord animation for Beatle's songs) is here:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: Ukulele players out there?

tabs and tutorials for uke try  this is the best site I've found so far   I bought a soprano but its sooo small,  then I got a baritone,  I like it much better, but couldn't find any lessons,  so I took up guitar,   took some lessons,  and am coming along slowly on the guitar, but can now blaze along nicely on the baritone uke.     ezfolk has some great tabs, and instructionals,  plus links to other uke sites.

Re: Ukulele players out there?

I got dragged to the music shop a couple of weeks ago to be "supportive" of my boyfriend's banjo obsession.  On what we considered at the time to be a silly little whim, we dinked around with ukuleles for a second before walking out the door.  We spotted a gorgeous banjo uke made by a local (seattle) artisan and fell in love.  The sound was awesome and we kind of just giggled about it and continued out the door.  A week later (after my own obsessive fit) he took me back to the music shop and I agonized for a while until I eventually picked out a lovely little Lanikai concert uke, nixing (for now) that fantastic banjo uke (don't you wish you could buy them all???).  I've been playing for exactly four days now and having a grand old time with it.  We'll see what happens.

My dad was a beautiful slack key guitarist before he passed away, and the official family legend is that he taught himself the ukulele, then went on to guitar, finally broaching the gap to slack key.  I grew up around strings, and since I was always surrounded by my very musical extended family Hawaiian family, I've always felt a bit odd that I never bothered to take up an instrument.  My pipe dream is to follow in Dad's footsteps with the uke > guitar > slack key gig, though I'm quite content with the ukulele I have now.  She's really quite a peach and I hope I can give her a good home with lots of love and attention.  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">

Also, my boyfriend's banjo should be arriving on Monday.  He's been seriously jealous of my little Lanikai beauty, though.

Re: Ukulele players out there?

Yes.  I am a little jealous.

But my banjo will be here Monday!

Re: Ukulele players out there?

Uke greetings from Greece! Been playing for about a year and a half and loving it! Also made my very own ukestick which u can check out here <a href="http&#58;&#47;&#47;" target="_blank"></a>! Did you know that you can also play clawhammer banjo style on the uke? There are a lot of us out there and gaining momentum as we go!



Re: Ukulele players out there?

A group was recently set up in the place I live SWINTON MANCHESTER UK, 99 % are learners, we meet Saturdays at 1pm till 3pm, we are about 25 people now.  If any group could tell me the best way to use the 3 hours we spend I would be gratefull.  I thank you

Re: Ukulele players out there?

I've been playing guitar for years but not as much as I'd like as of late because of a spinal problem that left my hands a bit numb.

I was at the local music store looking at a Fender Eric Johnson Strat (I love that neck) but it's not time to dole out that kind of money at the moment and I have a Tele and two other strats plus a hand full of other stuff.......

Anyway. I saw this lonely little instrument in the corner with some mandolins so I picked it up.

It felt right but someone must have broke a string because the third string was wound (duh) it's a Lanikai UL-21T tenor and it looks and feels to be made well. It was 99 bucks so I said what the hell and took it to the salesman. I asked what kind of deal I could get with a new set of strings cause someone put the wound third on it.

He checked and said....."did you know that the third string was supposed to be wound?

Of course I said no but he said..."We don't make much on this but I'll give you the Uke and a new set of strings for the $99."

What the hell it's something I can take to work and fool around with.

I brought it home, checked on the computer...found dozens of site and lo and behold, I love this thing.

Playing the guitar made it easy once I picked up the tuning and a few chords and I found it's made my guitar playing fun again.

It's also made me go back and study music theory and reading music ....which is a good thing.

I've started a section on my message board for Ukulele with links to site on its history, musicians and free on line lessons.

Reverend Colin

Re: Ukulele players out there? wrote:

A group was recently set up in the place I live SWINTON MANCHESTER UK, 99 % are learners, we meet Saturdays at 1pm till 3pm, we are about 25 people now.  If any group could tell me the best way to use the 3 hours we spend I would be gratefull.  I thank you

I am no expert in the Uke or in teaching anything apart from what I do, but I would reckon if you are all learners, is to use the three hours playing a few songs.
work out about 4 songs in your houses and use your 2 or 3 hours to keep playing them over and over until they are perfect.
Try getting some players to play a few different parts and make a uke orchestra, get another instrument or two in to accompany the ukes.
25 is a lot of fecking ukes at one time! maybe spilt the 25 in two and play 8 songs, or have 13 versus 12 wit hthe same songs, see what group plays them better

sounds like fun.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: Ukulele players out there?

Hi ,  Newbie here
I've just bought a cheapo Mahalo. got it on Tuesday ,its brilliant fun ! I can play about 5 tunes passibly ( by my low standards ) and the wife even recognises them!!! (not always the case with my 5 string Frailing Banjo....normally pronounced Failing Banjo !)
Its funny how when looking for tunes some just spring out at you my first success was 5 foot 2,followed by sweet georgia Brown. I am now trying to incorporate a cardboard megaphone into the act "wacka wacka wacka"
The Mahalo is great for 11 quid
I am practising a version of "Loch Lomond " now , might even chuck in a bit of traditional fake gaelic chanting as Lowland fans of Runrig always  do!
I think the main thing about the Ukulele I have noticed is that it is fun fun fun ,
practising my banjo can be "painful" although worth it when you nail a tune, but if/when I get confused on the Uke I just laugh and get on with it
Oh yeah and its also an ideal Lavvy instrument  !