Topic: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

This ditty is dedicated to all the hard-working guys who wrangle shopping carts out of gargantuan parking lots and back into the vast retail wastelands all across America. 

It is a simple little cowboy waltz:

Shopping Cart CowboysJames McCormick, May 12, 2007

in 6/8 time, a Cowboy Waltz

[G]Sun-baked and rugged, [C]wiry and wise

You can [G]tell they are cool by the squint in their [D]eyes

It's [G]hot and it's dusty, life's [C]lonely and tough

But the [G]shopping cart cowboys have [D]got the right [G]stuff

[C]Shopping cart cowboys gather those [G]strays

[C]Round up those dogies or they'll all roll a-[D]way

The [G]sun on the asphalt is [C]hotter than sin

But the [G]shopping cart cowboys will [D]bring the herd [G]in

[G]String 'em together in [C]one massive train

Like a [G]big shiny cobra that's going in-[D]sane

[G]Push 'em real hard just to [C]get 'em to roll

The [G]shopping cart cowboys are [D]out on pa-[G]trol

[C]Shopping cart cowboys gather those [G]strays

[C]Round up those dogies or they'll all roll a-[D]way

The [G]sun on the asphalt is [C]hotter than sin

But the [G]shopping cart cowboys will [D]bring the herd [G]in

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

Hey James,

I have just given this a blast and it's a fun little number you have there, a great one to play by fingerpicking. The only problem I had was I found myself automatically playing a G instead of a C at the end of the chorus. I will 'badeye' it and see if I can get it right this time.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

Wow what a fun little tune. I see them sometimes at the mall with 50 or 60 carts just pushing hard.Thats right it gets
'Badeyed' again.

Great tune...Badeye.

one caper after another

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

Glad you like my tribute to these (previously) unsung heros of modern mass retailing.  Roger, thanks for pointing out the chord error at the end of the chorus. 

The idea for this song amuses me and I will try to add some more verses - the mundane things of today are the exotic historical trivia of tomorrow.  I think it would be fun to jump up on top of the big cart-snakes and surf.  Wonder if Guinness has a record for the longest shopping cart snake, or the longest going the farthest, or the fastest?

Perhaps there should be shopping cart cowboy rodeos?   James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

Now James you know you need to throw in a yodel at the end of the chorus. I improvised one that sounded good  smile

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

hmm... it must be hard to push all those things, especially in the summer.  Sometimes at wal-mart they have electronic vehicles that the cartguy just stands on and steers, and it pushes the carts for him, i see that and i think of how terrible it is that he probably gets paid just as much as the guy at at kmart who has to push those things across the parking lot himself... o yea the song! it's great, really fun. i improvised a yodel as well, it fits in with the song pretty well lol.

they need to have cart snake downhill derbies.

If you spend your life judging people, how will you ever have time to love them ♥

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

I spent a Summer cashiering at Wal-Mart once.  A bunch of the cart guys quit, and since I was one of the few young male cashiers, I got sent out almost every day.  Not a fun job.  And it's still hard work with the cart-pusher!  A well-needed tribute.

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

James, I've played many of your songs . This one's my favorite !

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

Gentlemen thank you for your kind words.  I love the idea of yodeling - I'm thinking the yodel should include the names of all the 'big box' retailers all strung together and yodeled as nonsense syllables.

However, I don't know how to yodel - I can sing falsetto and I know that is sort-of-kind-of-almost yodeling . . . ahhh, something new to learn.  Thanks!

I'm also thinking maybe a 'legend of' sort of song about a great shopping cart cowboy is in order.  A tall tale about the guy who could wrangle 300 carts and perform other feats of manly prowess . . . y'all ponder it and we can create a whole modern mythical working class hero!

I envision Willie Nelson doing a whole shopping cart cowboy album and tour!

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

hey, the idea for this song is definately better than "they think my tractor's sexy" by kenny chesney. (it is a real song, i looked it up!) 

I see it now... rising from the alley behind Giant Eagle, at first a mear shadow in the eyes of society...

hey maybe in a couple decades you'll have people gossiping like
"they say he could wrangle 300 carts, and thin slice the deli meat by hand without looking..."

yup, this could definately go places

If you spend your life judging people, how will you ever have time to love them ♥

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

Dear mr MCCORMICK, easier is James of course. I still want to thank you for answering questions, I don't know you as person, but at least you are one of those who have it difficult to say NO.
I saw your song, I suppose, and I really want to play it, as I wrote already, I, and probably a lot can play about 50 different chords, including chords like Fmaj7 (easy, but not that easy) and Edim, Cm, B#7 to name a few unusual chords. I am not a schoolteacher, but this site is SUPER, I can't get enough (isn't that a song). I am born in 1955, Belgium, Europe, and I just write to tell you that I am a fan of every answer you give. I trie to do the same, answering, mostly starters. I think at this moment, MORE THAN 100.000 registred users, it will be more difficult to follow everything, but I will help where I can. I was once a "rookie" too, and my first decent guitar was a Yamaha FG-300, who is getting good critics now, for over 30 years I have this axe. I just have to replace my tuners, it is very difficult, more immpossible to put on a string. I do think that most people here are familiar with the guitar and I even wrote a topic about very cheap BUT good sounding acoustics. Electrics, wich I use also a lot are easier to judge, and playing electric on a guitar like STAGG, sounds almost like a Fender, if you start using distortion and other effects. If I can help somewhere I do it. I just posted this mail, because every little bit helps other guitarplayers.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

I love the song you wrote, the lyrics, but I don't have a clue about finding a melody.
Me and my best friend, just composed 3 songs, I will probably put them here on a bright sunny day.
Is there a way to find "the melody" starting with the lyrics? I can't play a song in E or C, if I don't have the melody in my head.I asked it already, if there is a kind of program on chordie, to put the melody? Or to hear songs do you need to go to the world famous, youtube, or myspace wich brings me to the following point: IS IT possible, when a "chordian" writes a song to hear the melody???
I told I wrote 3 songs, with a friend, there is a song more hardrock style, another is a kind of samba-jazz, with FRENCH lyrics, I even found a site, I don't know if it's a good one, but I just wanted to show the construction of the french song we made.
I will try to put here the chord to start with.
Barre on 5th fret

f   f   f   f   f   f barre on the 5th fret
x  x  x   f   x  x
x  x  f   x   f   x

and once you have this chord in your fingers, you start a blend of strumming and fingerpicking.
Big E-string, alternate with A-string, and with this chord you can go up, you can go down. When I play it I go from the 5th fret to the 3th fret, FINGERS ALWAYS in the SAME POSITION. No matter where you are on guitar, the chord remains, but you can move it up and down, with alternate strumming, big E and A string. It ain't very easy, but I play already a long time.
The "rough" lyrics, still a lot of work is needed goes like: je t'attends, j'ai le temps, meme dans la neige, du très mauvais temps, je me mets a mon aise et je t'attent, bienque je sais que cette semaine, je ne t'endant pas, mais j'attends, et blabla bla bla. I still need a lot of work to work it out, and it is also quit difficult to take these chords (I even don't know the name of the chord), and once I can play them properly myself, the music is resulting in a kind of jazz-samba, and the only thing to do is playing it and trying it out going up and down the frets. We also have that same chord down, and I think it is Amaj7, down on the guitar, or should I say up, you can figure out that those chords played in a correct way, you have the beginning chords of the George Harisson song "something" A  Amaj7 and A7

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

gitaardocphil wrote:

The "rough" lyrics, still a lot of work is needed goes like: je t'attends, j'ai le temps, meme dans la neige, du très mauvais temps, je me mets a mon aise et je t'attent, bienque je sais que cette semaine, je ne t'endant pas, mais j'attends, et blabla bla bla.

Let's see how much French I remember.  I wait for you.  I have the time.  Even in the snow, of really bad times.  I put on my...something...and I wait for you.  Even though I know that this week, I don't hear you, but I wait.  Something like that, haha, it's been a while.

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

Hey James,
Rooster3 here and i really like this song....reminds me of a personal experience i had once and i know a few guys that appreciate this shoutout!  Keep puttin out good songs man, love to read em'!

"Fly on Proud Bird, At Last You Are Free"
-Charlie Daniels

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

Thanks for the encouragement!  I am working on a 'legend of' type song along these same lines.  The story of the greatest shopping cart cowboy of them all . . . the John Henry/Pecos Bill/Paul Bunyan/Johnny Appleseed mythical hero of all cart wranglers.

Having great fun creating the backstory . . . just hope the final product is as fun as the idea.  Lots of yodeling!  Lots of squinting!  Lots of parking lots!

Have a brutal work schedule now, so chipping away at it slowly.  Hope to be satisfied with it soon.  It is wonderful to see some new participants and contributors to the Songwriting forum.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

I like this's got a cool little spark to it. It's fun to play and I enjoy singing it!

How come we forget what we want to remember, and remember what we want to forget??

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

Hello again chordie.  We have had no internet at home for a few days - bummer.
The technicians came and got us fixed this morning - hooray!

I have just posted a recording of 'Shopping Cart Cowboys' to my myspace music page:

I tried to include some yodeling as suggested, but it sounded way too scary!

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

hi james nice to see you back in the posts ,i've found a local website and put some songs on ,not brilliant ,need polishing up but its a start....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: "Shopping Cart Cowboys"

Well Done James,

Voice sounding Strong and pleasant as always to the ear.

I had a lot of euros worth of damage done to a car of mine some years ago
with a runaway trolley in high winds.

Well they do seem to have a mind of there own!

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !