Topic: 'Swept Away' lyrics and chords removed?

I was just wondering why the lyrics and chords for Christopher Cross's 'Swept Away' were removed.

Re: 'Swept Away' lyrics and chords removed?

Hi EleAgar and welcome to the forums!  Chordie is a search engine, none of the songs are actually hosted here on Chordie servers.  Instead, the songs are found on other sites and Chordie's wonderful formatting works on them to make them look good and available all in one place.  Chances are that the website where the song was actually located is no longer hosting the song that you're looking for.  For more information on how this works, please click on the "Resources" tab and then on the "Frequently Asked Questions" link under information.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.