God's ways are "mysterious". People like Jimi Hendrix USA citizen, became famous when he went to Great-Britain.
But it is at least very mysterious that the blues, coming from the USA, became popular after being performed by English Players. I was told that the problem was caused by the, I talk about the sixties, blues and rock were BLACK PEOPLES MUSIC (don't take this as an offence please), and there were a lot of "charts", and radiostations, radiostations refusing to play that kind of music. We can't imagine NOW, how it was back than. We are so used to CD's, MP3, and all the music and songs you can show and hear, just by a click on the INTERNET. Before that there was television. I just want to say that 40-50 years ago, it was impossible to know what was really going on. A country, the same country, was 5000 miles away from other countries, and now, if the pope is farthing in Brazil, we will hear and see (not smell) it here almost at the same moment. The world became a small place. If our ancesters should return, we will be back in an inquisition period: I am still amazed sending a fax. You write something down here on a paper, you put that paper in a "kind of device" and 10.000 miles from here, another person reads what you wrote, same with email. If you start thinking about all this, you are loosing controle.
BUT back in the sixties, there was a kind of hype in England, they discovered those "blues records. Brian Epstein, the later and late manager of the beatles, sold records, imported from the USA, same, even more I should say, the rolling stones, together with Clapton, Page, Jeff Beck, all coming out from one "stable", like John Mayall, covered a lot of those songs, like the STONES classic, route 66, and so the original US music, returned to their country, wher they discovered the potential of the songs.
I do hope that you bring me your opinions and conclusions.
A very nasty remark: the SOUTH AFRICAN problem: the USA : big boycot against South Africa, concerning "apartheid" starting not even 20 years after black people had the right to vote in the USA. I don't know, but you do me a favour by discussing thiis point, especially because of the music "exceeding and trespassing" all the borders and bringing people TOGETHER. If I am a black man (IN my family my brother in law is coloured) and I like to have a drink with a gorgeous, super beautiful woman, in let's say ALABAMA, or GEORGIA, in a regular bar full of white people, is there still being, or do I still create a problem entering that bar with that kind of girl?

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]


I really think there are better areas of the forum to discuss this but since you asked: I think the US is still a little race sensitive but I don't just think it is a southern issue. I've seen hateful actions all over the states due to nothing more than the color of a person's sikn. People are still dealing with race issues handed down from their parents and their peer group. It is about equality and seeing others equal as ourselves or at lease no different than ourselves regardless of the color of their skin. Actually I might use this for my next song so maybe not so off topic afterall. smile

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C


In fact I had absolutely NO INTENTION to mention this, it was only when posting that I saw the result. I wrote this with the intention to delete, because I know NADA, NOTHING about US politics, and this is still a GUITAR FORUM. So WHY? I tried to place everything in a certain CONTEXT, not speaking about "racial" items. There are maybe racists among us, but just look to the RWANDA genocide: black versus black. I had or have absolutely no intention to point a finger. I love everybody and I still believe in the goodness of mankind.
My purpose was, that if you follow the evolution the last 50 years, you can not tell like our folks did: in my time everything was better. We achieved more in 30 years than what people achieved in 300 years, that is the truth. That is also why I called it PING PONG.
Isn't it strange that US music made first a kind of tour around the world, REdiscovered by people like John Mayall, and his "cultivated" guitarists like Peter GREEN, CLAPTON, BECK, Mick TAYLOR and many more, like groups going from the Beatles, over the Animals and Stones to bring back the US music where it all started? I wrote this because in those days (early sixties) it was like I wrote. I just wanted to add that with all the communication technics the world is 1 street long. Now we are able to plug a guitar in a small device like BOSS BR MR, record a few tracks with at least 200 bass and drumpatterns, you put it on tape, using webcam, and there you are on sites like MYSPACE or YOUTUBE, this is incredible but true. And I believe this is just the beginning.
More I even think that if you practise your skills, and take 26 is the good one, you can give people a taste of your music, and maybe sell your stuff, or album just using your talent, skills and time. Will recordcompanies still be NEEDED???? My humble opinion is that if they don't change their attitude, the artist(s) can find themselves in a situation to sell, negotiate directly with the customer, meaning people who like what you do, who can even give a kind of comment to improve. ISN'T THIS AMAZING. SO SORRY, IF I OFFENDED SOMEONE, I WILL NEVER DO THIS ON PURPOSE. Thanks for reaction man.

[color=blue]- GITAARDOCPHIL SAIS: TO CONQUER DEAD, YOU HAVE TO DIE[/color]   AND [color=blue] we are born to die[/color]
[color=blue]Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.[/color]