Topic: To serve the server

A mindless morgue of men who walk
through concrete tombs with golden locks

And haste to serve the server's plight - To keep the locks out of sight

We've come to build a vast empire small as stones of valued mire

We've come to serve who don't exist, who charm our thoughts with iron fist and teach us self destructiveness

We've come to dream prescription sleep while babies starve and mothers weep

We close our eyes and hide our cheeks while disillusioned sleep in streets

Morning wakes, but darkness falls on those who build with mirrored walls

And heaven sets on few whose sighs are meant to silence living cries.

Re: To serve the server

I like this piece Codavids34,

Mirrored walls ?  Our blurred reflection of reality !!

Its  deep and thought provoking.

Thank You"

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: To serve the server

Old Doll,
thanks for the comment!  To me, "mirrored walls" means those who live only for self and fail to see the need to help others and to show compassion to others.

Re: To serve the server

Codavids34... I too really like this.  I saw it yesterday but forgot to post on it.  I can see the words to this going into some heavy metal ballad type of song.  Deep... and so true.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: To serve the server

Nice write C34, deep and insightful into so-called civilized man's very uncivilized ways. Good one.

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.

Re: To serve the server

hi C34 and welcome to the chordie poetry section. thanks for this your 1st entry, hope to see more of you and your work. please feel free to comment and advise your fellow members.

nice write


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