Topic: I'm Walkin - Robert Cray

Having problems with bridge chords during solo. Roots are Db C B A - B C Db F# B

Re: I'm Walkin - Robert Cray

kpa6stringer, He's playing the song in E.

The bridge sounds like C#m, A7, E, A7 and then he plays a jazz derivative of E, C#m7, F#m and B
going back to the root, E.
I did not take time to figure how he's making them but those sound to me like the basic chords.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: I'm Walkin - Robert Cray

Thanks for the input tubatooter. I have been trying different variations off the bass run in my original post. The studio version seems slicker than any of the youtube versions, but that clip is the best of the youtubes, even going off just the keyboard (no
rythem guitar at the 2:36 point).

Thanks again for your help