Topic: NEWS FLASH for pick droppers

Hi, I posted a week or so ago regarding droping my pick, I recived lots of very good advice, which I followed, still waiting for some new picks to be delivered, but now a NEWS FLASH

Last night I washed the dinner dishes, I normaly just put them in the dish washer, but last night there was only a few, I used Fairy liquid wash up, this morning again I am dropping my pick, I think it is washing up the dishes that is making my hands "as soft as my face", So problem solved, don't wash up.

If you are haveing the same problem, try using rubber gloves, or don't do the dishes

Thank you all for your very good advice


man is the dream of the doliphin

2 (edited by tonyespo 2010-04-28 10:58:26)

Re: NEWS FLASH for pick droppers

Did you run this NEWS FLASH by SWMBO?  I think you may want to consider the previous pick advice first.

"She Who Must Be Obeyed" for those who don't know what SWMBO means.


tonyespo / 63 year old NEWBEE

I better learn to play fast, I'm already an old fart.

Re: NEWS FLASH for pick droppers

So TonyBlue what you're saying is that I could officially get out of dish duty if I started using a standard pick more often?  My thumb pick doesn't fall out of my hand and I just bought a couple new ones yesterday (they look like a normal pick with the thumb attachment!)... hmmm... I guess I was a day late on this one.  sad

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: NEWS FLASH for pick droppers

paper plates.

badeye   cool

one caper after another

Re: NEWS FLASH for pick droppers

Pick?  What's that?

Isn't that WHY the Lord made Fingernails?!?

Just for the record... I'm with Badeye, paper plates are great and make starting those damp-wood campfires a whole bunch easier.

But then again if it would get me out of dish duty, I might just have to consider flatpickin'.

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: NEWS FLASH for pick droppers

Doug_Smith wrote:

Pick?  What's that?

Isn't that WHY the Lord made Fingernails?!?


The trouble is , he made some of them very soft.

Re: NEWS FLASH for pick droppers

Paper plates and plastic silverwear

Re: NEWS FLASH for pick droppers

Doug_Smith wrote:

Pick?  What's that?

Isn't that WHY the Lord made Fingernails?!?

Just for the record... I'm with Badeye, paper plates are great and make starting those damp-wood campfires a whole bunch easier.

But then again if it would get me out of dish duty, I might just have to consider flatpickin'.

Take Care;

Great tip for fire starter Doug,     paper or the dreaded rubber glove.....  lol

badeye   cool

one caper after another

Re: NEWS FLASH for pick droppers

tonyespo wrote:

Did you run this NEWS FLASH by SWMBO?  I think you may want to consider the previous pick advice first.

"She Who Must Be Obeyed" for those who don't know what SWMBO means.


Sorry but I took anyones advice from my last post, and I am still waiting to recive the new picks that I have ordered.
At the end of the post I truely thanked everyone for there advice, and looking at the number of others who seem to have the same problem, as soon as I found that my pick dropping was worse after washing dishes I posted this thred in the hope that it may help the ones who helped me.

I can promiss you that when I ask for help, I do take it.


man is the dream of the doliphin