Topic: Ciao Chordians!!! Peace and Guitars.....
Howdy Chordians,
This is my official see-ya-later to all of you fine folks here on Chordie. I want you all to know that your friendship and/or correspondence has been amazing and unforgettable! I'll be back soon, hopefully, but right now I've got too much on my plate to give Chordie the fair amount of time needed to maintain the excellence needed and expected here at the finest, most awesomest site on the garsh-dang internet!!! I'm on facebook for any of you who'd like to join me there( i.e. gig schedule!!!,photos,videos,etc...)
I must leave with this tiny bit of advice to any of those who might give a terd as to what I have to say. The computer and all of its' resources can make the average, everyday, sittin' at home playin' for only themselves, bull-crapper seem somewhat knowledgeable in many areas of music instruction. There are tons of musical terms that can look very impressive when typed out in a paragraph, and some folks are very efficient in cutting and pasting this and that and that and this to glorify their self imposed greatness. Long story short, bottom line fact is this; There is no better way to learn music than sitting in front of, face to face, with a reputable musician that has payed his/her dues. Take a jolt down to your local music store and invest in a paid, professional instructor.***( I mean no disrespect to those who are financially secure and offer their services for free, huge props to you all !!!!)*** There is a reason these folks have the jobs doin' what they do; they're good, they're established, respected and proven. Sorry to rain on the parade of other instructors who offer their services for free but there is no substitue for one on one, eye to eye interaction between instructor and student!! For real!!!
Support your local live music and support your local musicians, PLEASE !!!!!
Toney Hall