Topic: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

I have always had a lose grip on my pick, but lately I keep on droping it,  I have changed to Snarling Dog picks, as they have a textured grip on them, but I still keep on droping them.

I have heard of a thing called Gorilla Snot, but don't really fancy haveing sticky fingers, anyone got any ideas ?

Regards TonyBlue

man is the dream of the doliphin

2 (edited by tubatooter1940 2010-04-16 16:15:10)

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

Hi Tony,
I am bad as anybody about dropping picks. Both my guitars have a plastic cover at the end of the neck above the nut that covers the steel rod you turn to dewarp the neck. I slide two picks in that cover, one on top and one below to grab quick when I drop mine.
There are two slots where my guitar strap attaches to the top of my electric guitar where I can stash two picks and grab 'em fast.
They make an attachment that slides over the boom part of a microphone stand right below the mike clip that has a long groove that can hold up to ten picks you can get to fast.
There is also a plastic pick holder box that can hold many picks that slide out one at a time that has a sticky bottom you can attach to your guitar in a convenient location.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

I am the same tony.  That is why I have been strumming and a little finger picking with fingers only for several years now.  But now I am trying to get back to the pick.  They turn in my fingers and I drop them.  I am going to try a Fred Kelly Bumblebee pick if I ever order it.  That might do the trick.

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I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

I don't have any trouble yet with dropping my pick because I still don't strum fast enough.  However I have tried a thumb pick and I like it.  I'm getting used to using it and it won't fall off your thumb.

tonyespo / 63 year old NEWBEE

I better learn to play fast, I'm already an old fart.

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

Go to a lighter guage pick.


Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

Not saying this is your case...But a lot of times the dropping pick problem is caused by your attack. The pick should rake the strings and not dig in... Usually a little more angle for your up and downstrums will solve the problem. Also be sure you're not getting too much contact with the strings... All you need to touch is the tip. More contact = more drag or pull on the pick.  I think there's a psychological link as well smile If you think about the pick slipping it always seems to. wink I remember having days when I could hardly play through a song without the pick being turned all the way around by the end of it. smile -Pix

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

Due to having some issues with carpal tunnel in my right hand I tend to lose my grip on my picks constantly. I found a good solution with Star picks. They have a star shaped hole where your thumb and finger normally grip a regular pick. This allows skin to skin contact and really helps to anchor your pick. If you can't find them locally you can order them through Musicians Friend. I tried Gorilla Snot and although it helps you hold on I thought it was too much of a hassle. These picks are the best solution I've found.

Don't take life too seriously, you're not getting out alive anyway

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

I never really had a "problem" really, but they would turn around sometimes. I took grip tape, like they use on skateboards or stair treads to keep from slipping. Anyway, I put some on top and bottom of the pick and problem solved. I don't have a hard attack I just hold my picks really light and more towards the top of it.

Keep Rockin!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

I had given up trying to use a pick for a while... then I got a thumb pick and really liked it.  The problem with a thumb pick is the one I have is very hard so it's a pretty strong attack and with a classical I think they're really more for "picking" and not strumming so much (I am playing a nylon string guitar and I know I don't "need" a pick but there's been a few times I've wanted a different sound that only a pick can bring).  After receiving the package of picks (Picks around the world thread in the chat room here on chordie)... I came across a lot of neat picks designed for holding onto easier.  Some people punch holes in the picks... a few little holes like with a pin or something, to give it grip.  There were the star picks bswyers is talking about (maybe if you have a light pick and a heavy duty hole punch you could try making one???).  There were a few picks by Dunlop also made to be easier to hold.  One with a bit of texture to it, one with ribs on the side, but the one I found EASIEST to hold was one from Dava.  It says on it, "Dava Control by Dave Storey".  It's all kinds of textured, thick where you hold on but has a bit of bend and is smooth where the strings contact.  I've been experimenting with palm muting and such and found the bigger the pick the easier it is for me to hold and not spin in my fingers.  I currently have a big triangular shaped pick (a little smaller than a Dorito Chip) that I'm using and it stays PUT in my fingers!  I had bought it for my husband as kind of a joke at Christmas time along with an assortment of picks I thought he would like ... I just stole it last night and I'm not going to give it back.  It's my new favorite tool!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

Amy, you bad girl - putting the snitch on his triangle pick. My wife does me the same way.
I like triangle picks because if they rotate, all three corners play and feel the same and the flat edge gets firmly against the palm of your hand and stabilizes everything.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

Hey Tony, I also use the star hole punched out and just the plain type also cause I have this thing
     where while playing I can readjust the pick by sliding my thumb across the top of the pick and
     moving it to where I need it in respect to the other fingers under it and so the standard pick
     usually is my choice. A light grip is needed to move it tho. Try using a small drill bit and drill a
     center hole in one of your least fav picks,.... or buy one (lol).     Mike

Our intuitions serve us well

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

When I started a with pick I had the same problem, I fashoined a huge pick, {around a two inch triangle}out of an ice cream container top, then kept downsizing it as I progressed till it was as big as a regular pick. It worked for me.

badeye    cool

one caper after another

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

I tried and avoided using a picks for to long. I could never master it.

This guy got me using one with no problems at all. Im sorry  now i never found him sooner.

His sites are fantastic.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

When I first started playing,..... and probably for the first few years, I dropped the pick all the time. I spent a lot of time learning the best way to shake a pick out of the sound hole of an acoustic guitar.  Lately, I can't remember the last time I did that. Its like learning that F maj or B7, its a real pain at first but, eventually, you won't even think about it.  Keep practicing.  Focus on the fingering and timing and the rest, in time, will take care of itself.

Now available in 5G !

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

Thank you all for a mountain of advice, without any question I will find the answer to my problem from all your replys.

Thank you all very much.

man is the dream of the doliphin

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

Tony, I just found these picks at my local guitar shop.  The yellow ones are rather thin, and are like a full size pick with thumb attachment!  There's also holes punched in them.  I doubt anyone would drop one of these bad boys!  smile  The blue one is a thinner thumb pick than I usually use.  I also grabbed a couple more "dorito" picks too and told the hubster he could have his back if he wanted it.  I don't want to be a "bad girl" LOL!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

Thank you mekidsmom.

I have ordered some Dorito picks, and some Star pick, but I'm still waiting for them to come.  Your new oned look cool, any idea what make they are ?, so I could order them as well.

Have you seem my "News Flash" posting ?,  I have found that I drop my pick a lot more after I have washed the dishes, I think it is the Fairy wash up,  also it has just come into my mind, that when I used to have a recording contract, that stated that I should not wash up, Odd but true.


man is the dream of the doliphin

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

Sure thing Tony, these are Dunlop Herco thumb picks.  They come in different colors/thicknesses.  These yellow ones I have are "light".  I see some yellow ones online that are medium.  So... watch what you order as apparently color does NOT indicate thickness.  I will tell you that the part that goes around the thumb is a very light hold compared to other thumb picks, so I'd be concerned about a heavier one staying on the thumb well during upstrokes (although, if you're going to hold onto it like a normal pick while it's attached to your thumb you should be alright). 

I have no clue if this site is any good or not, but I happened across and it looks like you can buy them one at a time in the UK from them.  Most of the sites that popped up in a search were a box of 4 to 24. 

I LOVE those Dorito picks!  My hubby laughed at me when he saw I had bought more of them!  He hasn't heard my string muting yet however, when he does and sees I'm holding that big ole Dorito to get the job done he won't be laughing any more!  smile

I saw the "News Flash" ... sadly I won't be getting out of dish duty until my two girls are old enough to wash dishes.  Being the only female in the house tall enough to reach the sink without a chair I guess makes me "chief bottle washer and cook"!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

What I really need is a pick with a built in homing device, so I don't lose the damn things. Having said that, I don't use picks much, so when I do they feel a bit insecure in my fingers. To help a little with this I always take a craft knife to my picks & scratch the grip part on both sides with a cross-hatch sort of pattern.
Amy has just reminded me that I must try a thumb pick again some time - I have one, but it doesn't fit well!
Cheers all!

" Old Guy is Rocking"
Simon & Patrick Pro Flamed Maple (mmm, nice...)
Norman ST68 acoustic

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick

You can dip it in hot water to soften it up a little then bend it just a touch to fit your thumb better.  Just don't dip it in the hot water with your thumb still in the pick! big_smile

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: anyone else have trouble keeping hold of their pick


I use one of these holders. I was forever losing picks. This is an inexpensive little gadget, sticks to the guitar. Its invaluable to me. I always know where my favourite picks are now. … amp;sr=8-5

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !