Topic: Migraines, paaah!

Evening chordians,

I'm just writing a quick note to have a rant about migraines. I don't know if anyone else on here suffers from them, I'm sure you must, but good lord these are horrible little buggers indeed!!

As I write I'm on day 3 of a fairly severe attack. I'm getting to write this in a brief spell of respite from my symptoms due to taking yet another dose of painkillers which would fell a horse, a big one at that.

For anyone that doesn't suffer from these horrible attacks let me explain........firstly, migraines are not "just a headache". That statement is almost as painful as the actual migraine itself. Migraines cause a rather grim and debilitating series of symptoms. This starts (for me anyway) with loss of vision, tunnel vision and an "aura" in one or both eyes. The aura is someting I can only describe as feeling like you've just stared into the sun or a bright light for too long. Flashing colours in front of your eyes which stops you being able to focus or concentrate on anything. THis lasts for around 30 mins and is then followed by overwhelming nausea and a headache which stops you dead in your tracks. Usually around this time your stomach decides to get in on the act and will do its best to catch you out as you loiter around the bathroom. Heads or tails people, you decide! It certainly livens proceedings up a tad.

For me, I'm often laid up for anything from 1 hour to, like now, a few days. In the past two days in bed I've grown to despise the daylight, handy given that vampires seem to be pretty cool just now ;-), I've become completely intolerant of the merest of sounds from my neighbours and indeed my own restlessness in bed brings out a self loathing I've not experienced since my difficult chunky teenage years!

And to think, all this because I couldn't resist an easter egg!! Yes, that's the final kick in the teeth. The triggers. Many people who get migraines have triggers. Something which can bring about an attack. For me, it's chocolate. As if not bad enough, red wine is also on the list. I may also have to add dairy products.....but the debate rumbles on with that one. So, because on Easter Monday I was too lazy, too hungover, and indeed too complacent about not having had a migraine for a while, I didn't go to the shop for something to eat, rather I just ate the extra easter egg I had bought by mistake, I now find myself in a painkiller induced, guilt ridden (due to time off work I can ill afford), unshaven, twitchy mess I can only say.....damn you Easter Bunny......damn you!! :-p

As they say, misery loves company so if anyone else suffers from these "little headaches" and has any pearls of wisdon they'd like to share, I'm all ears! God knows my eyes have been no use the last couple days!!

Thanks as ever for the rant indulgence,


All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: Migraines, paaah!

Another blessing I need to be thankful for. I seldom have any type of head ache. Sometimes a sinus one.

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.

Re: Migraines, paaah!

Hey Mark,  I can really relate to that one.  My youngest has suffered since having his brains tossed by a soccer ball at age 8.  We have to watch the "triggers" as well..... chocolate is one for sure, fresh baked wheat goods, and some spicy foods and seasonings.
One thing that seems to help bunches (other than prescription Zomig) is caffine along with Naproxin Sodium and the more common analgesics.  He really loves Indian food with all the hot curries.... a sure fire way to get a real "banger". Haven't considered eggs though.... we'll pay attention to that as a potential contributor.

I think caffine works as a vasodialator and really reduces the pressure until the other stuff gets to work it's anti inflammatory magic.  Two or Three Expressos should get you right.... but if not, you'll not sleep for a week!

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare

Re: Migraines, paaah!

Hi Mark , I can sympathise, only had 2 in my life , both in quick succession , Oct 76 and Mar 77 and not one since...Bizarre..but symptoms exactly as you describe. My Mum suffered them dreadfully for years and so bad my Dad and me thought we would lose her when I was about 11. Chocolate and red wine every time too !I reckon they took years of her life.. She has since lost a battle with cancer unfortunately and man I miss her....

A five yr old could understand this. Somebody fetch a five yr old !
Groucho Marx

Re: Migraines, paaah!

Hi Mark,
One thing to look forward to is, as you age, hardening of the arteries sets in and finally prevents the blood vessel expansion that  is the chief cause of migranes.
I was so glad when I reached my late thirties and my capilary headaches came less frequently.
Still, booze, too much chocolate or other dairy products can set one off if I overindulge.
Since males in my family have all been alcoholics for the last three generations, my migraines have saved me from possibly a worse fate.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: Migraines, paaah!

Sorry to hear about the migraines Mark.  I think a lot of people "say" they have a migraine when they just have a really bad headache and due to their bull folks like you that have real ones get thrown under the bus.  I did know a lady that had them a lot and she'd be down for days like yourself.  I imagine the first time going through something like that would make a person think they were on the verge of death.  It sounds just horrible.  I had some horrid caffeine withdrawal headaches once when I tried to quit drinking coffee (I was pregnant)... The docs said the pain I was having was likely similar to that of a migraine... but without the OTHER symptoms.  I can NOT imagine what you are going through.  Come on in and vent/rant to us whenever you need. 

Doug... OMG... your poor child!  That's just so sad to hear.  I hope he can "grow" out of it and learn to stay away from those triggers on his own too.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Migraines, paaah!

Have you investigated Tissue Salts, they work amazingly for a whole range of health problems, safe for kids and animals too. Also work very quickly and effectively for arthritis. There is a book by Margaret Roberts who goes into the ins and outs very comprehensively. Hope that this can help you.

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.

Re: Migraines, paaah!

I get them.  They're not pleasant.  My symptoms change over time.  Sometimes I get the cluster migraines that are like intense shooting pain up your neck to the center of the head.  These come on without notice and have literally made me collapse between one step and the next.  The long slow ones like you're suffering now are the worst, I think.  I wish you luck in recovering.

My trigger is usually stress and a dropping barometric pressure.  I'll get a mild migraine when there's a big low front two days out and it won't get better until the storm hits and the pressure stabilizes.  Also, I need to maintain a consistent level of caffeine.  A lot then a little is going to be a problem. 

In my case, I've found that kava kava and aspirin works pretty well, but I have some prescription stuff called Imitrex that works well on the nervous and vascular effects, and another drug called Midrin that deals with the stress.  Kava kava and aspirin combined together works well. 

Be glad you're not my sister.  She had a migraine for over a decade - nearly fourteen years - that culminated in grand maul seizures that it took her two years from which to recover and triggered something akin to epilepsy.  She's on a preventive now that is letting her live her life again, which is great. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Migraines, paaah!

I feel your pain.  I don't have migraines, but I do suffer from cluster headaches.  Have had them since 1989.  They are the worst pain known to man.

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I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Migraines, paaah!

Thankfully I don't suffer with headache { well rarely]

My brother suffers with migraine for years now.. Chocolate- Cheese- and Chinese food takeaway.
Mono sodium glutamate side effects !

I agree with buvvy, i have heard of tissue salts being affective. I used them years ago for sinus problems.

My advice would be take 10 Min's every day to switch off and relax.. Old fashioned cat nap is very effective. This also works.. Burning essential lavender oil in your home. relaxes the mind, so in turn every other part of the body happily follows..

Your migrane is now being aggravated by your thoughts .

Positive thoughts to you sir.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Migraines, paaah!

My Aunt suffered from severe migranes for years then she was checked for "T M J". This is an issue of your jaws not being aligned properly which creates pressure that brings on these headaches. (hope I'm explaining this correctly). Her treatment included having her jaws broken, re-aligned and wired shut until everything was back in  proper alignment. Her migranes went from many to very rarely and the ones she did have was less severe with pain. Do a internet search for TMJ symtpoms as see if that could a part be your problem.


Re: Migraines, paaah!

My sister suffers from migraines pretty bad, as do I. The only thing I can do is be in the dark. She needs to see a doctor.

Everything is bad including me
But being bad is good policy
Reverend Horton Heat

Re: Migraines, paaah!

As a child I suffered severe and very regular migraines, in fact I never had to ask my teachers to be allowed home they could tell by looking at me that I was getting one and send me home immediately. My usual cure was to get in a darkened room, take double the dose of painkillers (after I had emptied the contents of my stomach) and get to sleep, as sleep seemed to the only cure for me then. Luckily as I have got older they have lessened in frequency and I rarely get one these days (I hope I am mot tempting fate with this statement). My doctor told me that it is the worst pain that anyone can suffer.


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