Topic: do all the girls that want to be in bands just get ditched?

i'm a girl and i want to be in a band. i can write and read music, play the guitar, sing, keyboard, whatever basically. but no one wants me in a band. what's up with that? am i just a terrible person or are other chicks finding this problem?

Re: do all the girls that want to be in bands just get ditched?

I'm not another chick, but I do know that finding just the right people to play with can be a problem.  Keep looking, keep playing, keep creating - do as much as you can on your own to sharpen your musical skills and look for other individuals to colaborate with.

Trying to become a new part of an existing band is tough for anybody.  So - find a kindred spirit or two and collaborate on writing some songs.  Don't think that you've got to join somebody else's band to be legitimized . . .

Also, would you consider re-posting your message to the 'My Local Band' section of the forum?  Could be that there is somebody in your locality who is seeking somebody with your talents?

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: do all the girls that want to be in bands just get ditched?

Hi let.

Maybe your image is not fitting in with their image?
Maybe they feel threatened if ou tell them you ca do all these things and they might feel you want to take over and dictate.
I think if you are as tallented as you say then like james said, find people! advertise and be the band leader and dicate exactly what you want, unless you can find a few people that you can write with and have similar ideas for music.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: do all the girls that want to be in bands just get ditched?

Yep - Ken has a good point that your skills might be a little scary to players with limited ability.  Take the initiative - find collaborators - always treat fellow musicians with respect because that is way you want to be treated.  James

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"

Re: do all the girls that want to be in bands just get ditched?

ok thanks.

Re: do all the girls that want to be in bands just get ditched?

It's because girls develope faster than boys tongue Just kidding! Hang in there and you'll find someone.

"Nobody paints by ear so why would I play guitar by sight?" hmm

Re: do all the girls that want to be in bands just get ditched?

lol. yeah, boys at this age are pretty weird. oh well. i'll find some peeps.