1 (edited by Jody Wayne 2010-04-17 19:00:23)

Topic: Canyon of The Dead

Canyon of the Deadby Wayne Fiala

[Am]A rough Cowboy came riding in, [C]on a weary horse. His [Am]boots were burned, his clothes were

singed, as was the [C]mane upon his [Am]horse.He bowed his head for a moment, then his [C]feet hit

the ground.He [Am]walked into the tavern,[E]didn't make a [Am]sound.He ordered up a bottle,

[C]then he turned around.In a loud [Am]gruff voice he said: "All you [E]sinners gather-[Am]round".

Said, [C]I just met the Devil and,I heard God's voice to[Am]day.If you don't wanna loose your

soul's, better [E]listen hard, God told me what to [Am]say.

[Am]I was riding on my horse,through the "[C]Canyon of The Dead". [Am]All at once a firey storm

came up, the [C]sky was blazin-red.[Am]It looked as though the gates of hell had opened, [E]up the

earth a[Am]head.

(Spoken)>> Then I saw the Devil, staring at me hard, through the fire and brimstone,

in the "Canyon of The Dead".  His head and chest looked like a man on fire, who had

gone insane.  His body was his steed and serpents was his mane. He was snortin sulpher,

and his eyes were Demon red.   He laughed out-loud:  you're mine!   I finally got-ya here

in the "Canyon of The Dead".  He shouted with a firey voice, on my list is your name!

Now, I'll burn your flesh, your horses too,

(Sing)>>and [E]both your soul's I'll [Am]claim! I unsheathed my rifle, drew my gun,

I [C]had him in my sights. I [Am]shouted come and get me Devil! I ain't [E]goin without a [Am]fight.

(Spoken)>> The Devil charged,  I fired my guns till all my rounds were spent.  I knew I didn't

have a chance with empty guns, so I turned to run.

[Am]Now I faced the devil's army,[C]they were every where. Ten [Am]thousand Demons on the ground,

ten thousand [C]more was in the [Am]air.The devel's demons pinned me in, now [C]Satan's gonna win.

And I'll for-[Am]ever pay for my sins, in the "[E]Canyon of The [Am]Dead".

(Spoken)>>  I turned and faced the Devil.    Then I bowed my head and prayed:

Dear God, please forgive me, for all the mistakes I've made. I know I'm not a perfect man,

unworthy to even speek your name.  But give me one more chance, if you can?  I'll change

my ways, do what you ask, and be a better man.

(Sing)>> [Am]I raised my head prepared to die.But, the [C]Devil he was gone.Then I [Am]heard a voice

from heaven say:I [E]heard your prayer my [Am]son.(Spoken)>> Now, remember all you've seen

and heard.  And, from this day on, where ever your horse takes you;  tell this story,  with your

guitar and a song.

(Sing)>> [Am]Now, you've heard my story.I've [C]told you what God said.So, [Am]sinners change your ways,

or for-[E]ever ride your horse, in the "Canyon of The [Am]Dead".

Re: Canyon of The Dead

I really want to record this one.  I hope I can get that done in the next few days.

3 (edited by Russell_Harding 2010-03-10 19:44:40)

Re: Canyon of The Dead

nice lyrics Jody it has a "Ghost riders in the sky" feel with the minor changes let us know when you record it and there are severl kinds of souls or soles some are the bottoms of your feet sole or a fish the other soul is the spirit in everyone lol just having fun nice work smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Canyon of The Dead

that is a lyrical journey...get that recorded!!

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

5 (edited by wlbaye 2010-03-10 21:58:08)

Re: Canyon of The Dead

Russell_Harding wrote:

nice lyrics Jody it has a "Ghost riders in the sky" feel with the minor changes let us know when you record it and there are severl kinds of souls or soles some are the bottoms of your feet sole or a fish the other soul is the spirit in everyone lol just having fun nice work smile

Russell is that kinda, sorta like The "Devil"  and "Develed" eggs ? smile  oops!  sorry , also  Nice work Jody !

Later, Wayne P

Re: Canyon of The Dead

Hello guys-n-gals, guess I have deviled egg on my face,,,  oops!  Develed egg.  lol
Ok, I did a lousy job proof reading this one, sorry.  I did try to put my best foot forward,
and put my soul into writing this song though!  I guess it does have a Ghost riders feel to it.
But, that wasn't what I was trying for.  I just wanted to write something different.
I now have it recorded and on YouTube.  www.youtube.com/jodywayne47
My voice-box is just about gone, so the quality of singing is bad. "I'm sorry"
But, you should be able to get a feel for what the melody is.
Thanks everyone, jodyWayne

7 (edited by wlbaye 2010-03-11 19:40:08)

Re: Canyon of The Dead

Hey Jody,

We were just havin a little fun with ya smile    I'll go give it a listen, glad you didn't take it the wrong way smile

Later, Wayne P

Re: Canyon of The Dead

wlbaye wrote:

Hey Jody,

We were just havin a little fun with ya smile    I'll go give it a listen, glad you didn't take it the wrong way smile

Hi wlbaye, I know you was havin fun.  No harm done and absolutely no offense taken.  I just plum forgot to proof
read this one before I hit the submit button.  I got a good laugh out of this too.  I appreciate everyone taking the
time to look, and to leave comments.  And, a little razzin now-n-then is good humor, good for the spirit.
Thank you, thank all of you, jodyWayne

ps: I hope you like the song.  I like it when the bad guy turns good, and then the good guy wins.  pretty cool

Re: Canyon of The Dead

hi jody,

i read through your words first and i could hear the guy who sang "boy named sue" (i've forgotten his name, old age creeping up on me!) so then i played it on youtube and it was totally different to how i heard it. i think it needs to be more beaty with a faster rhythm. the song itself is a great narrative.

fine work


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

10 (edited by Jody Wayne 2010-03-13 01:30:19)

Re: Canyon of The Dead

Hi Phill,  "Boy named sue" was recorded by "Johnny Cash".  You are exactly right.  "Canyon of The Dead" should have a more prominate beat and a faster rhythm.  The reason it didn't when I sang it is because I have a problem in my larynx, and I can't control my vocal coards like I should.  I tried  to sing faster and louder, but it was a disaster.  I hope to be better soon, but for now i'm very frustrated!!!

Thank you for your input sir.

Re: Canyon of The Dead

Hi jody
I'm sorry to hear you have problems with voice etc.
As I was listening to your song I felt the spoken parts came through a lot more clearer than those that you were singing.
I just thought that perhaps you could do a sort of Leonard cohen type rendition where most of the song is spoken instead of being sung. As the narrative is the impotant thing in your songs being able to sing becomes secondary to getting your story over.
Anyway just my thoughts. smile
well done on a nice piece of writing.

Re: Canyon of The Dead

arkady wrote:

Hi jody
I'm sorry to hear you have problems with voice etc.
As I was listening to your song I felt the spoken parts came through a lot more clearer than those that you were singing.
I just thought that perhaps you could do a sort of Leonard cohen type rendition where most of the song is spoken instead of being sung. As the narrative is the impotant thing in your songs being able to sing becomes secondary to getting your story over.
Anyway just my thoughts. smile
well done on a nice piece of writing.

Hi ark, Thanks for your concern.
All or almost all spoken may not be a bad idea.  I'll work on that and see what I can come up with.  Take care, jodyWayne

Re: Canyon of The Dead

Great Lyrics/Story Jody, Well done. :-)

Re: Canyon of The Dead

Jewels8080 wrote:

Great Lyrics/Story Jody, Well done. :-)

Hello Jewels,  Thank you very much.  I'm glad you like it.
                    I would love to see a Hollywood style video of this.
                    I think it would be really cool... well, hot I guess?  lol

                    Take care, jodyWayne

Re: Canyon of The Dead

Hi Jody,
Good story line and choice for your title.
Keep up the good work. big_smile

I hope your getting over your voice problems.


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: Canyon of The Dead

KAP54 wrote:

Hi Jody,
Good story line and choice for your title.
Keep up the good work. big_smile

I hope your getting over your voice problems.


Hi Kenny,
Thanks for your input.  and concern.
I hope all is well with you.
Take care, jodyWayne