Topic: effects problems

Hello everyone, I'm in need of a little help.

I currently play a Mexican Tele and a Mexican Strat through a Boss ME-50 Multi-effects pedal into a Fender Deluxe 90 solid state amp.  I play blues, rock, punk, pop and everything in between(except thrash metal, but I never rule anything out completely).

I've been finding that the only thing I ever really use the Boss pedal for is for overdrive and distortion.  I run the amp clean (it's got an outstanding clean channel) and just flick between distortions.  I also sometimes use the wah pedal.  I hardly ever use the delay or modulation effects (although they are all pretty good, just not my thing).

I've been thinking about getting rid of the multi effects and buying a single overdrive/distortion pedal and a wah pedal.  The distortion effects on the Boss are very good but I'm not sure if I would be better off with one really good distortion rather than 22 ok ones.  It would save me lugging it around from place to place as well.

Any suggestions for a good overdrive/distortion pedal that's versatile enough to play pretty much anything plus a wah pedal that will go nicely with it.

Or should I stay with the multitude of effects I've already got.

Your opinions, ladies and gentlemen, would be appreciated.

Re: effects problems

Hi shumn I use a Boss ME-50 effects pedal and a Hendrix crybaby wah all the sounds you could ever want are there but you have to take the time to find yours. there are other pedals and stomp boxes out there to be sure but the Boss has overall more to offer for me,I use the distortion,delay and harmonizer it sounds hot playing harmony with sustain and a little delay but there's a lot more to discover but like I said you really have to play around and experiment smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: effects problems

i've got a zoom multi effects

I've also got a distortion pedal  and a  wah.

so I've got everything:)

no actually the point is that  the distortion pedal is the one I use most so I have standalone versions.

boss is good. mines not but you won't go far wrong with a  boss pedal.

Re: effects problems

If you can find an original Marshall "Guv'nor" pedal (not the guv'nor II).  I would recommend that and also from the 90's, a Steve Vai "Bad Horsie" optical wah pedal.  These are two really good pedals and probably only available now on e-bay.   Happy hunting!

Now available in 5G !

Re: effects problems

shaunm wrote:

Hello everyone, I'm in need of a little help.


I've been thinking about getting rid of the multi effects and buying a single overdrive/distortion pedal and a wah pedal.  The distortion effects on the Boss are very good but I'm not sure if I would be better off with one really good distortion rather than 22 ok ones.  It would save me lugging it around from place to place as well.

Any suggestions for a good overdrive/distortion pedal that's versatile enough to play pretty much anything plus a wah pedal that will go nicely with it.

Or should I stay with the multitude of effects I've already got.

Your opinions, ladies and gentlemen, would be appreciated.

I did the same thing when I got my Fender Princeton 650 amplifier. The clean channel sounded so good I never used anything but it. When I wanted effects I used my pedals on the clean channel.
I use an "MXR Classic Distortion" for my distortion/overdrive and a VOX Wah pedal for my wah effect.
That's really the only two pedals I carry with me inside the back of my amp anymore. I used to carry a chorus, reverb and looper pedal but I never used em when playing live. So they stay home now until I build a pedalboard.


"Talent instantly recognizes genius,
but mediocrity knows nothing more than itself."

-Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle

Re: effects problems

hi shaunm,

i also use a boss me-50 which i find ticks all the boxes for me. i've tried zoom and a few stomps and even a cry baby wah-wah many years ago.

i mainly use the reverb and chorus pedals as i play a lot of rhythm during my shows, and the distortion boost is there for solo's and general rock.

as russ said you need to explore it's no good just trying one thing and throwing it to the back of the toy box.

but ultimately, it's your choice, if it dont fit right, it wont sound right.


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: effects problems

thanks guys.

I'll probably stick with the Boss pedal.

Unless I go out and buy 11 different distortion and overdrive pedals I'm never going to get the versitility the ME-50 gives you anywhere else for the money.  I may invest in a decent wah pedal though.  Thanks again for the advice


Re: effects problems

hi I use the ME50 too but if you really want to use less go for the original Big Muff by electro harmonix through a cry baby wah wah and let rip ...Peace

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it...Aristotle.