Topic: The Beautiful One

The Beautiful One

The Beautiful One prepares herself for sleep; I stare through her window like some Halloween creep
Her bathrobe drops to the to the floor exposing her; I tighten and stare at the one I long for
She brushes her hair and applies perfume and lotion; I study her every move seemingly in slow motion
She dons her sheer nightgown; I wait impatiently for her to lay down

Bending, she pulls back the silken bed sheets; my heart quickens in beat
The sheets cover her like a thin coat of paint; my mouth opens slightly, I exercise restraint
She places her head on the pillow; her face is angelic, seemingly aglow
Her eyes seem to beckon me to expose myself from behind the tree

Giving in to slumber her eyes close; I feel my body heat rise, lust is what I know
I breathe deep and work the window latch; I enter the room silently and approach her slowly
I stop and stand at the foot of the bed; my wild fantasies are racing through my head
Through the window I left open, a gentle wind blows; it positions her hair perfectly on the pillow

I move to be on top of her becoming a mist; floating under the sheets I materialize to give her the first kiss
She awakens and opens her eyes; I mouth her from her face to her thighs
Both of us are naked in body and soul; neither has any control
We speak with eyes not words; acknowledging what we’re headed towards

She responds to my touches, I gain strength, fueled by her scent
As we embrace our fleshes meld, perspiring; like two liquids in a glass, stirring
We join our bodies never losing the stare; of all other things we’re unaware
We move our hips in perfect harmony; creating unspoken ecstasy

As we reach climax our bodies react; we utter quiet moans, our muscles contract
We collapse into each other; exhilaration, exhaustion, relaxation, satisfaction
I lean to kiss her beautiful face then turn to leave this place
As I exit the window I turn to see; the sleeping Beautiful One, my fantasy

Re: The Beautiful One

I can relate to this poem Frequent Flier.

Why ? because ive been there also. It wasnt a fantasy, it was real and wonderful while it lasted.

If the divine made anything better then sharing  real love between 2 adults, i believe he kept it for himself !

Thanks for the memories.

Old doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: The Beautiful One

Nice write Frequent Flyer

You paint a very good picture. big_smile

I've been there a few times (In my head)
Thanks for this


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: The Beautiful One

I think we all have that little secret garden within that only some of us are able to express in such a fluent and picturesque way.  Well done FF, good stuff!  -T