Thanks everyone for the comments - I really appreciate them
Lena, funny I was watching a documentary on Planxty on YouTube just yesterday. Yes the voice is soft when it wants to be. and can go all over the place - strange how it always seems better in the car !
Daddy - cheers, thanks for the listen. I keep watchin out for your stuff.
Jody, thanks for that, hope the voice sorts itself. the songwritin thing just seems to find it's own way through. I often wonder how many I've missed by being somewhere without a guitar and not being able to jot anything down.
Mekids, Thanks for the compliment.
Papa, I see what you mean. I hadn't been conscious of it. I tend to work out a melody to fit the words and then try to find the key notes in chords. That way I end up with obscure voicings that I only know what chord it is by looking it up ( thank goodness for Chord Name). I guess the sound is quite jazzy, with a touch of spanish - which would fit with the phrygian.
"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis