Topic: my songbook is not accessible

again ,i can't access to my songbook . it was called spongebob , its still a public book but it has been removed from my songbook . I can't import it , it does not work.
in my song book the name is gone but the # of songs is still there . it should be nothing for a webmaster to repair this . 50% of the song have been edited , it a hard job to do it again . Can anyone do something ?

Re: my songbook is not accessible

I am sure when the webmaster reads this he will help you out.
calm down and be patient, the webmaster is quite busy.

ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: my songbook is not accessible

WhenI tried to log on, I got a message saying an error occured with my song book and needs to be repaired. What if anything should I do?

Re: my songbook is not accessible

Give everything but up.

Re: my songbook is not accessible

I tried to log on about 30min seemed to have let me but it says that the songbook is marked as crashed.Now what do you do?

Re: my songbook is not accessible

Add me to the numbers who cannot access their songbook!!!

Re: my songbook is not accessible

Check out the link SouthPaw Posted folks... there's a minor issue that I'm sure will be resolved soon!  smile

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What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.