Topic: She Fly's A Flag Out-Side Her Home.

This is a continuation of a song theme "Good Men Of God"

She Fly's A Flag Out-Side Her Home. Phill Williams 18/02/10

A flag is flying caught by the breeze.
It snaps and cracks and flutters, free.
Not like the wife that suffers here.
Waiting for the visit home.
She makes the bed.
She washes clothes.
She makes her way to the corner store.
Meals for one.
Tears for sure.
Whether he still breathes when he gets home.
Till then she waits, with the wife next door.

She fly's her flag defiantly.
Some hoodies pass and sneer and jeer.
“Learn some respect you pathetic louts.
My husband fights to save your life.�
She paints the rooms.
Mows the lawn.
Candle light until it's dawn.
Wash the floors.
Watch TV.
Jumps at each knock on the front door.
Dreads who's calling, good news she hopes.

So she fly's her flag out-side her home.

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: She Fly's A Flag Out-Side Her Home.

very nice Phil.  paints a clear picture of the day-to-day painstaking wait.  thanks for sharing. -T

Re: She Fly's A Flag Out-Side Her Home.

This is lovely Phil.

I can feel the ache of the lady, yet a pride for her soldier abroad for whom the flag flies.
First time i ever went to the USA many years ago, i loved the way they had there flag flying from all sorts of houses and stores.

We only do this for Football days..

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !