Topic: Save Abbey Road


EMI have announced that they are selling Abbey Road Studios in London. Yes, the Beatles' Abbey Road.The name alone will probaly boost the price by millions .

The British "National Trust" are asking if they should buy the studios for it to be saved from becoming another car park. If you think it should be saved then tell them what you want to happen . You can do this on Facebook and Twitter - details here … tudios.htm

As far as I am concerned this is a World Heritage site, with links to dozens of Artists who could contribute to it being bought and saved. Question is what artisits and groups recorded there down the years ?

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: Save Abbey Road

i see mccartney hopes that some people will get together and save the studio's, why cant he do it himself, better than give all his cash to heather mills.


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Save Abbey Road

Phill Williams wrote:

i see mccartney hopes that some people will get together and save the studio's, why cant he do it himself, better than give all his cash to heather mills.


I saw a report that's she's officially broke. She ripped through 50 million (US I think) and has nothing but "some" prpoerty to show for it.....

Maybe Ringo should buy it instead!

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: Save Abbey Road

I sent enough money to abby road and the beatles if its important to them to save it I'm sure sir Paul can find a way or the queen smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Save Abbey Road

Just Let It Be

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Re: Save Abbey Road

I have to agree with all the above,but I do think paul  is one of the richest men on earth,he could afford it.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: Save Abbey Road

Update. … udios.html

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: Save Abbey Road

EMI sure has some greedy $#@$$## turning down 30 mil Andrew Lloyd Webber is an icon in the music industry I cant think of a better person to make use of this facility smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Save Abbey Road

The problem will be how to keep it going - how to run it as a business. It is the recurrant costs that have to be met.

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: Save Abbey Road

Didn't know about this. Pretty sad I guess. I would have thought £30m would be more than enough to buy it. Can't see that EMI refused because they're worried about ongoing costs or how it will be used at all......not if they're prepared to sell to anyone, including property developers. Also pretty sure Lloyd Webber would be able to ensure it recouped enough cash in the future.....looks like they're haggling for more money to me. That's the problem when the supposed bank balance of a prospective buyer is all over the press. Why sell for "just" £30m when you know ALW is worth a reputed £750m??

Greedy beggars!!

All I got, is a red guitar, three chords and the truth

Re: Save Abbey Road

I think The Abbey Road studios are a National treasure and should be saved for the Nation preferably by the National Trust which do a great job in maintaining historical buildings in the UK.
I personally would like to see their money spent on this kind of building with so much modern musical history attached to it than another old castle or house.
They have done a good job in saving  Paul McCartney’s council house restoring it to how it looked in the 1950’s when he lived there.
Perhaps they could do something similar with Abbey Road restoring it to way the studio looked in the Beatle era when they were recording.
I'm sure they would get plenty of visitors willing to pay.
As to who has the money to buy the place and who should well I'm not really sure the rights and wrongs of it all.

12 (edited by Phill Williams 2010-02-21 15:22:09)

Re: Save Abbey Road

Abbey Road studio's are obviously worth saving, but a cost of £30 million + is licking the gravy train somewhat, dont you think?
As all these multi-national conglomerates can buy out British businesses, asset strip them and throw all the skilled and experienced people out of work, so they can make more profit for the already mega-bucked investors, by opening another factory somewhere that the wages are paid in peanuts, is not only a disgusting practice but should be a criminal offence. Who wins from this kind of business practice...bankers, and the aforementioned investors...may they burn in the ashes of their own profits. As has happened in the North East this week, and all over the country for some years! It brings it all into perspective?
As for Abbey Road, (it was only a small rant) as Lloyd-Webber says, it's one of the only places in the country that can house a large orchestra (Hey Jude) it can update to accommodate the latest recording equipment, and as proved recently, can hold a small audience while a live TV or radio programme can be made.
The company who bought out EMI, are up to their necks in debt, and are using the name, made famous by The Beatles, Pink Floyd and others to get themselves out of trouble, so will push to get the best deal. I suppose we would all do the same in their position?
As a PS, I dont suppose a housing estate would have the same draw, or the same romance as a world famous recording studio?

Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: Save Abbey Road

Paul would have the money !!

Why would he not purchase ? How much money does one person need ? He surely wouldn't be worrying about leaving himself short !
As for Heather Mills, people can say what they like about her.  She is an inspiration to many . She was a millionairess at 19 years old. Her parents had died young, she reared her young siblings... She is also  extremely  hardworking and generous to all her charities. But then again the press dont print this about her.

Could  it be purchased by many musicians.  They could re invent it into a music school !!  Give scholarships,  Share some of the gifts that made them famous to younger up and coming musicians.
Just my thoughts on this post.

Old Doll..

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