Topic: Cordpro formattet songs

I just got "mysongbook" for iPhone with a great way of getting songs from Cordie. But I´m looking for the chordpro formattet text. Is this possible?
kind regards,

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

Hi and welcome to Chordie this link is for a topic on Chordie that will explain how to format chopro if you still need help keep posting a request and someone will help explain it further

ringkjoebing wrote:

I just got "mysongbook" for iPhone with a great way of getting songs from Cordie. But I´m looking for the chordpro formattet text. Is this possible?
kind regards,

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

Thanks! This is OK! I´m ok with making chordpro files. But can I Download the Chordie-files in chordpro format. It would be great to get the files in this format for my Iphone - It seems to me that I cannot import the files for Ipod touch in "Mysongbook"
kind regards

4 (edited by Russell_Harding 2009-10-20 15:26:57)

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

Leif I am not sure on that perhaps one of the other moderators can give you some help but it may be possible I just dont know how to do it (never had to do it) lol good luck with it smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

I'm not sure how you download them into your Ipod and all (don't have one) ... but you can VIEW the chordpro format on the website.  Open up the song on the right of the screen, 4th box down (under size) there's a "chopro" pic next to print.  Click on that and it will bring the song up in the chordpro format. 

Hope that helps lead you to an answer... good luck!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

YES! YES! I knew it! The solution had to come from a woman :-)! It was dificult to explain my problem, but you solved it! thanks! This will save me a lot of work! This will be great together with "MySongBook" on my iphone. You see, if you like Bob Dylan - you have to have the texts nex to you, specialy when you are over 50. Thanks again!

"Men with both feet on the ground are not hanging on the trees!" (can you say that in english) he, he!

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

Thanks a whole lot lol 

ringkjoebing wrote:

YES! YES! I knew it! The solution had to come from a woman :-)! It was dificult to explain my problem, but you solved it! thanks! This will save me a lot of work! This will be great together with "MySongBook" on my iphone. You see, if you like Bob Dylan - you have to have the texts nex to you, specialy when you are over 50. Thanks again!

"Men with both feet on the ground are not hanging on the trees!" (can you say that in english) he, he!

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

It was dificult to explain my problem, but you solved it

That's why the answer had to come from a woman.  You didn't provide a straight direct question, and therefore only a woman could follow along!  ha ha!  Our talking and thinking in circles finally has a use and is now proven to not be for the sole purpose of frustrating men! ha ha ha!  wink

Glad I could help!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

I'm sure you were thinking of a straight direct answer as opposed to a question but thats a guess as I dont know how women think and never will nor will any man lol

mekidsmom wrote:

It was dificult to explain my problem, but you solved it

You didn't provide a straight direct question,

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

I did notice that, I, also took the question incorrectly, so didn't answer.  Mekidsmom, it was too illogical for a man to get the answer right, I guess. smile  More of the right and left brain issues

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

LOL!  Ok, well my head is a little fuzzy right now with a cold... but I think I meant it the way I said it.  He wasn't clear in what his problem was (wasn't direct to the point - didn't ask clearly) and so only a woman who thinks and talks in unclear terms could comprehend.   Men handle direct questions and answers better.

I know that it drives men batty that we "talk in circles" ... so I'm pleased to have proven myself useful with my "circle thoughts" ... ... it's ok if you aren't following cuz I make no sense to you smile  Men don't always make sense to me.  We have other things in this world that keep us all connected!  ha ha!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

After the fact, I see it as well.  I'm with you all the way.  We know its a Venus and Mars issue, don't we.  I'll quietly go back to my cave and shutup.  LOL

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

Nice conversation thanks guys and hmmm guys......?!

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

ringkjoebing wrote:

Nice conversation thanks guys and hmmm guys......?!

I forgot... WELCOME TO CHORDIE!  You'll find that here on the forum there are people to help you out.  People are kind, they don't tend to blast others, and they respect everyone's differences (beginners, pros, kids, women, men... everyone's welcome). 

We truly are a guitar community here.  I've only been here for a couple months, but you get to know everyone if you post.  It's all in good fun, I promise!  Enjoy the forum, and stop by some of the other threads to join in on conversation.  There's always something going on!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

Here's a question FROM a woman - hopefully someone can answer.

I've figured out the chords (for uke) for a song I've not been able to find on Chordie or elsewhere on the net.

I thought it would be useful to others to add it to Chordie but having read through various sections of the site discovered I'll have to use chopro format to add it elsewhere on the net which will then automatically add it to Chordie - have I got this right so far?

1. - how do I find out how to use chopro formatting - happy to search myself but if you have any shortcuts I'd appreciate it.

2.- where on earth on the net do I post?  I don't have my own website and there are obviously copyrighting issues as this is not my own original composition.

I search for songs all the time - if I can't get them on chordie I tend to copy them into word and add the uke chords and shape diagrams myself - most times I don't think there are copyright details on the net - just links to add the song as a ringtone!

Any help with this would be great

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

Hi Debbie and welcome to Chordie,

Let me answer your first question, the easiest one, of course lol If you go into the Songwriting section and look at the 'Sticky' titled "How to Post Original Song to Songwriting Forum!" you will find James's explanation of using chopro.


"Do, or do not; there is no try"

Re: Cordpro formattet songs

Welcome to the forum!

As for the second question... since Chordie doesn't host songs that have a copyright due to the legality issue, I'm not so sure that suggesting a location here is the best idea either.  So I will suggest you google some song chords and see what OTHER websites pop up and see if any of those have a place for you to post those copyright songs.  Once you do find a location, you can then come back here and suggest the song be added to the chordie search index here:

Good luck smile

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.