1 (edited by Jody Wayne 2010-02-02 02:01:14)

Topic: "That's What Us Redneck Cowboys Do"

That's What us Redneck Cowboys DoBallad by Wayne Fiala

Spoken w/C-D-G, background music.

Sing only the chorus in "parenthecies"

[G]I left you standin at the alter yesterday,

[C]Now you tell me we are through,

[D7]It ain't that I don't love ya,

[G]or that I won't be true,

[D7]It just means I plum forgot,

I was posed to marry you, and [G]sometimes,

"[D]That's what us Redneck Cowboys [G]do"

[G]I saw you in the five and dime,

[C]But when I walked your way,

[D7]You ran out the door with your stuff,

[G]and forgot to pay.

[C]They was gonna call the cops,

[D7]But I stepped in and saved the day.

[G]Cuzz "[D]Thats what us Redneck Cowboys [G]do"

[G]I tried to call you on the phone,

[C]But it just rang and rang,

[D7]I was tryin to call and tell ya,

[G]I bought you a diamond ring,

Yep, "[D]Thats what us Redneck Cowboys [G]do"

[G]I saw your mama in the store,

and [C]ask if she could give a message to you,

[D7]that woman looked me dead in the eye and said:

"Take a Hike!" [G]So I did!

"[D]That's what us Redneck Cowboys [G]do"

[G]Now I'm startin to get the feelin,

[D7]you don't wanna see me any more,

[G]So I stopped by your house,

and left a "love note" [D7]hangin on your door.

[G]Well, it wern't long after that,

[D7]Sherriff showed up at my door.

[G]He looked me dead in the eye and said:

"[D7]Son, don't ever do that to my little girl no more"

[G]Well, [D7]I looked him right in the eye and I said: "[G]Yes Daddy"

"[D]That's what us Redneck Cowboys [G]do"

[G]Ok-Then, [D7]that last one done it!

[G]I see the hand writin on the wall.

[C]And so does ever body else!

[D7]Down on the Flyn W TruckStop mens room wall.

[G]I left you a little message that says:

"[D7]Truckers, for a good time call"

[G]Under it is your name and number,

[D]and says your six feet tall.

[G]Now, "[D]That's what us Redneck Cowboys [G]do"

[G]Saw your daddy again today.

[C]We had us a nice long talk.

[D7]Thank I uderstand thangs a little better now.

And I'm [C]sorry I left you standin at the alter.

I'm [D7]sorry I left that love note on your door.

[G]Im sorry I tried to call.

And, [D7]I'mreally sorry,

[D7]I left your name and number,

on the truckstop mens room [G]wall.

[G]But yagotta understand!

"[D]That's what us Redneck Cowboys [G]do"

[G]Oh..... by the way, [D7]Thought you otta know,

[G]I got a refund on that ring,

[D7]And I'm sittin in the "County Jail"

[G]Somethin about damagin private property at some truckstop?

[D7]Hope you're happy, [G]I know I am,

[D7]Cuzz I'm a Redneck Cowboy.

[G]And, "[D]That's what us Redneck Cowboys [G]do"

[G]Oh.. I almost forgot one [D]itty bitty little [G]thang"

Can you Pa...leeese [D7]come get me out-a your daddy's [G]jail?

Female>>>NO![D7]Cuzz I'm a Redneck Cowgirl.

[G]And,"[D]That's what us Redneck Cowgirls (don't) [G]do"

2 (edited by Jody Wayne 2010-02-02 02:26:43)

Re: "That's What Us Redneck Cowboys Do"

The chord progression doesn't have to be perfect.  I just put them in for an example.
I can assure you I have never played it the same way twice.
The entire song is spoken, except for the chorus:  "That's what us redneck cowboys do"
This is one you can use your imagination, and do it your own way if you wish.
People like it, so enjoy, have fun.  jodyWayne

Re: "That's What Us Redneck Cowboys Do"

lol Jody,

Funny song sir.

May i ask this question ? Are hill billies and redneck cowboys the same thing ? Theres a distinction here also
with Townies and Rural folk by some. My roots are originally rural folk, maybe a reason  for me liking the country
folk and there ways. .

No offence meant now in anyway to folk anywhere ,People are people to me.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "That's What Us Redneck Cowboys Do"

lol lol,    Well, I think people are people as well.  Hillbillies and redneck cowboys are.........Uhh???  Well, ..............wow, how do I answer this one?  Lets just say they each have their own way of doing things.  lol for now.  jody

Re: "That's What Us Redneck Cowboys Do"

I found this somewhere.  I was trying to come up with a difference between the two.  I don't know if it helps, but here goes.
Redneck: Rednecks are often rude and crude Southerners some times prone to violence, have proclivity (but not always) for Nascar, CERTAIN TYPES of Country music, and beer drinking. Can live in trailers, but not always. They are often mistaken for white trash but there's a difference. Rednecks are usually hard working and have jobs. White trash tend to be lazy. They are most likely blue collar. Not all rednecks are racists, but many are. But its also individual thing. They're not all loud and brassy, but many can be. So ironically, the southern redneck has more in common with the typical yankee than he realizes. Although there are northern rednecks too, but thats another topic

Hillbilly's: Hillbillies are Southern mountain folk. They are not rednecks. They dont live in the swamps or the bayous or the southern lowlands. They come from the hollers or the hills. They can be a bit rough around the edges. Unlike, rednecks, however, hillbillies are usually good natured, honest, friendly, fun loving, and just all around sweet people. Tend to be very forthright and individualistic. Mainly from their Scotch-Irish heritage. They just tend to lack education. But make up for it with their charming folksy ways.

You can see all my video covers on [url]http://www.youtube.com/bensonp1000[/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: "That's What Us Redneck Cowboys Do"

Sorry Jody
if i put you on the spot. It wasnt intentional. I emailed a cousin of mine in the states who has lived there many many years. I asked them the same question. They sent me 2 links. I must admit to near busting myself laughing at the first link. After the second link i feel i got my answer. Have a great evening.



Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "That's What Us Redneck Cowboys Do"

Hahahahahahah, Just seeing this now Bensonp,

I might have known the Irish would be  there in the mix  somewhere. Thats a good answer. Im gonna copy and paste that piece you posted and send it right back to my cousin lol lol lol

Thanks Bensonp

Old doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "That's What Us Redneck Cowboys Do"

"Mainly from their Scotch-Irish heritage"

Yes, you got my people down to a tee there. The only people we fight is ourselves !

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: "That's What Us Redneck Cowboys Do"


Them's a couple of good descriptions smile

Do you have any knowledge or trivia on Hillhippies, I live close to the Bighorn Mountains and we have alot of self proclaimed Hillhippies !

Later, Wayne P

Re: "That's What Us Redneck Cowboys Do"

Ok folks, since we are on the subject of Hillbillies and Rednecks.  May as well throw in Kikkers.  Redneck kikker is just another way of saying Redneck cowboy, but most likely living in Texas.  Don't worry Old Doll, you didn't put me on the spot.  I was just laughing so hard I couldn't write.  I posted a new Ballad that might help?  "If ya wanna be a redneck kikker like me".  That is just about what you can expect from a real redneck.  I should know, I know quite a few of them.  How do you think I got the ideas for my songs. lol, "From the rednecks themselves"!!!  You would be supprised at how much of what is in these Ballads is true.  Also, you might find it interesting?  "Most rednecks are taught to be musicians from early childhood".  Many play more than one insturment.  About all of them play guitar.  And they are very good at what they do!!!  No matter what it is.  Their biggest problem is usually that they have (SSD) "Social Skills Disorder" lol.  Gotta love their music though.

Re: "That's What Us Redneck Cowboys Do"

Holy Moly you write a lot of songs Jody:D Well Done.
It's also good to see that you come to grips with Chordpro...Now it looks so purdy.
I'll get around to your other songs in time as I'm re-acquainting myself here.

Nice write



Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: "That's What Us Redneck Cowboys Do"

Hi Kenny, glad you liked it, and thank you.  Good to hear from you.  And....yes I think I have a handle on Chopro now, thank goodness!! lol    Take care, jodyWayne

Re: "That's What Us Redneck Cowboys Do"

New video on youtube for, That's what us redneck cowboys do.