Topic: Let Me Buy You a Coffee.

Let Me Buy you a Coffee

Let me buy you a coffee
And you can tell me your pain
It's the fourteenth time I've heard it,
but you can tell me again

By now I know the crisis points
Where you pause for effect
And I sit and nod there sagely
'Cos I know what's comin' next

So you curse the woman up and down.
Her reputation's left in shreds,
How you stopped short of stranglin' her
When you found him in your bed.

I know you can't let go,
But, honey, you look like death.
And I can smell beneath the perfume
This morning's whiskey on your breath.

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: Let Me Buy You a Coffee.

Hi Strans ,

Short and soooo packs a punch.
I learned many years ago to listen but try not judge. BUT, when you hear the same stuff over and over
it becomes a chore. I then learned to say " Ok!  Can i help here ? if not, what are you gonna do about this situation ?  after the 3rd time of hearing the same old story.
Next time you call, tell me your solution to this mess. Sounds a wee bit cruel. But it works.

Good piece.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Let Me Buy You a Coffee.

WOW, you Irish folk know how to write with maximum effect. This is a truly great piece, short, concise, yet descriptive and to the point, with a twist in the tale.



Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.