Topic: "Drifting Away"

Hey everyone. Sorry I've been away so long. Here is a sad little tune I wrote tonight. Hope you like it.

Drifting Away By Jeff Gilpin

January 28th, 2010

[G]I call you up you don’t [Em]answer

[G]Leave no message you’re too [Em]clear

[F]Must have something more im[C]portant going on

[F]I’m no [C]one you want to [G]hear

[G]I talk to you but you don’t [Em]hear me

[G]Seems you don’t hear the words I [Em]say

[F]Not sure why you seem so [C]distant

[F]Feels like I’m [C]drifting a[G]way

[C]I remember you used to [G]look at me

[F]Had a special twinkle in your eye

[C]I could tell just [G]what you were thinking

[F]Now a days I don’t even [D]try

[G]I think about maybe [Em]asking

[G]Maybe we could go out just you and [Em]me

[F]Before I even [C]mention

[F]You have plans for [C]something else to [G]see

[G]Do you feel the [Em]same things

[G]Maybe I’m just having a bad [Em]day

[F]I’m with you but not [C]with you

[F]Feels like you’re [C]drifting a[G]way

[C]Wonder why you don’t [G]hear me

[F]Like my battery’s running low

[C]Can’t seem to get our [G]conversation started

[F]Maybe I should just [D]go

[G]I know that you got [Em]your things

[G]My things take a lot of [Em]time

[F]I still think of you [C]when I’m away

[F]Wondering if I [C]ever cross your [G]mind

[G]I’m with you and you don’t [Em]notice

[G]Happens far too much these [Em]days

[F]Two boats heading different [C]directions

[F]I’m afraid that we’re [C]drifting a[G]way [F] [C] [G]

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "Drifting Away"

Ahhhh....  this brings back memories!    I used to have this problem a lot when I was young.  Great song sir!    I was livin it until the last verse.  (the boats).  I'm no expert, but I would get rid of the boats.  The boat thing sank years ago.  Find something original, catchy, to end the song with.  (example:  like a folded plane on paper wings, I see you drifting, drifting away)  I love your song, and the only thing that would keep me from paying good money for a cd, is the last verse.  Well done.
Ps: I love the   J E T S   to.

Re: "Drifting Away"

I like the boats.

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: "Drifting Away"

Thanks for the comments Jody and Stran. This song is about a feeling if you know what I mean. Converting the feeling into real things is always tough. Boats I like because I think of boats floating on a river, moving slow propelled by a lazy current and really it put the thought of drifting away into a picture I can see and understand. At least that is how I saw it when I wrote it. I'm sure there are more clever ways to bring that imagery home but I didn't want to impead the writing because sometimes if I over analyze the song I'm writing I'll stop, pick it apart and usually delete it in the end. I've got tons of songs ended up like that. Anyway thats it for boats. I'm keeping it in for now. And again thanks for the comments...they made me think about what I wrote and understand my song better.  smile

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "Drifting Away"

You can delete them ?!

I have dozens of lines, bits, abandonings etc - I daren't delete anything. I still go back over them.

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: "Drifting Away"

Wanna hear a good one?  The last thing I did before going to bed last night was comment on your song.  I went to sleep thinking about it.  I actually had a short dream.  In the dream I was sitting in a boat and another boat was calmly drifting away from me.  The boats slowly drifting apart gave me a feeling of loss and sadness.  Above a paper airplane was being tossed about by the wind.  The wings folded, the plane began to loose shape and settled into the water next to my boat.  I looked over the edge of the boat and written on the paper was, "I like the boats".  When I woke up this morning I had a change of heart.  I made that critical mistake you mentioned; I over analyzed.  Analyzing is good, but sometime you have to just let your emotion be your guide.  On most of my songs I have made change after change, thinking I am making the song better.  But, in the end, I end up right back where I started originally.

Keep the boats, bring on the cd, I'll spend the money.  Wierd dream...  I hope that doesn't happen often!!!  Great song sir.  I hope you can record it.  I would like to hear the melody.  Think I'll write a song and title it:  "I'm Loosing My Mind"  lol

Re: "Drifting Away"

Thanks Jody - I've had pleanty of "chordie dreams" inspired by all my visits hear and all my chordie friends. My recording is far behind but I will add it to the list. I've been stuck in "cover" mode for a while now but I hope "drifting away" kicks me back to writing my own again.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "Drifting Away"

jets60 wrote:

Thanks Jody - I've had pleanty of "chordie dreams" inspired by all my visits hear and all my chordie friends. My recording is far behind but I will add it to the list. I've been stuck in "cover" mode for a while now but I hope "drifting away" kicks me back to writing my own again.

Oh good, you have had dreams.  Now I don't have to write that song, "I'm loosin my mind".  You did write a really nice song.  And, I am fairly new at this, so who am I to tell anyone what to put in or leave out.  Sorry about that, really.  I hope you do get time for originals, it would seem you have a tallent for it.  Everyone here on Chordie has been helpfull and friendly.  I appreciate that.  And I look forward to meeting more people here and growing into a better writer.

It is a pleasure meeting you.
Take Care, jodyWayne

Re: "Drifting Away"


How are you me ould flower ? I assumed you were busy with your new grandbaby. Its good to have you back here.
Drifting away is a fine piece, But you were always good at honing your skill.

I would love to here this recorded, its deep yet  has a  feeling of resigination to it.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: "Drifting Away"

hi jeff, welcome back

what a sad little lament, yes i suppose we've all been there, so it's all the better when you find one that wants to be with you.

nice one, keep em coming


Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: "Drifting Away"

Thanks Lena and Phil - Yep, trying to stay with the writing and was in a funk so let it help me write. I wish it was the grandbaby but it is work. It has been particularly busy lately and my musical look away has been my open mike night. I've been doing some of my stuff but mostly covers a lot lately and some of the covers are just so darn good. By the way a grandson on the way now! I need to record some and I will but again  a time thing... Thanks for the support.

J  E  T  S
...and yet a Washington Commanders fan (unless they change their name again) ...long story...HTT...C

Re: "Drifting Away"

Hi Jeff big_smile
I hear ya when you say life keeps getting in the way of writing.
By the sounds of it you have some pretty good kin around you and more kin coming. smile
Nice write.

Looking forwards to the recording.


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