Topic: There's More to Love than Leviticus

Well, there's nothing more to say than this  -  till the next time !

There's more to love than Leviticus

There's more to love than Leviticus
More to passion than a page in a book
And I'd scream in the face of a hurricane
To get back the love you took

There's more to love than that,
More to love than that.

You know I lit you up
Like a fiery Christmas Tree
There's pagan in your veins, girl
When you lay with me.

I guess what troubled you most
Was that you lost control.
The claw marks on my shoulders
Would only stain your soul.

But what's gained by leavin' now
Maybe matronly respect,
Tinsel on your angel wings.
You know you should have stayed.

There's more to life than sainthood,
More than a seat in the choir.
You saying you hated me
Just leaves you the liar.

"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." Miles Davis

Re: There's More to Love than Leviticus

Oh wowsers Strans,

What a great piece of work. Ive read it so many times. Its so great to read.

The call of sinning or cleansing of body or conscience. Its Brilliant !

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !