Topic: new player

i was wondering how everyone got started playing the guitar and what methods they used for learing and also fun beginner songs too please!

2 (edited by craig23 2010-01-13 03:47:45)

Re: new player

Welcome to chordie. I got started in fourth grade. I can remember going to the music shop with Mom and Dad. I wanted drums, they bought me a guitar. I remember sitting with this huge guitar on my lap trying to see over the side of it so I could hit the strings. I specifically remember Mom saying she wasn't looked a little big, and the salesman saying well you don't want to spend this kind of money just to have to turn around and buy one next year. He'll grow into it. I hated it it was so hard to play. So I quit. Moral of the story... buy one that fits, then trade up. My sister married into a musical family when I was about thirteen and that sparked an interest again. That guitar was still around and by then I had grown into it. So I taught myself with the help of a few Mel Bay books. Now I'm close to 40 and still occasionally take lessons when I'm in a rut. The first thing you need to know about playing music is that it is a lifelong pursuit. The more you know... the more you'll want to know. The better you get... the better you'll want to be. The more you pratice... the more you'll need to pratice. Be patient! It takes time, but it is worth it. "Twist and shout", and "Louie louie" were the first songs I learned along with a 12 bar blues pattern and your basic kind of bluegrassy G,C,D chord progression. Don't get hung up on trying to learn all the chords. Most songs only have three or four chords. So pick a song you like and then look for songs with similar chords. Try to stick with songs that are mostly major chords, they are the easiest to play. Try to stay away from songs with F and B in them, they are the hardest to play. Good Luck, and let us know how you progress.

Re: new player

I so wish some one lived closed to me and would help out, you know one that wont charge me(cause you got like get a loan to get lessons) and one that isnt a flake.

Re: new player

I'm still "getting started" and I feel like I'll probably be saying that for a long time, because like Craig said, the more you learn, you find the more there is to learn!  My dad always played while I was growing up.  His guitar was at just about every evening campfire I remember.  As I was learning to read, I was learning when to turn the pages for him as well.  It was just this summer that I realized that Dad couldn't play much anymore due to issues with his back.  My brother got Dad's guitar out at the campfire and handed it to him in front of everyone including some of his friends that didn't know he could play and sing (yeah, cuz it's been a while since the guitar came out at the campfires).  He played a few songs and was done.  It sparked my interest to FINALLY learn (yes he tried to encourage each of us kids to learn over the years, but it never went anywhere, except that each of us learned the love of music and singing). 

How am I learning?  Chordie and my good friends here,, youtube, and some books that were already in the house... because both my husband and son tried to learn before I did.  Now that I'm learning, the two of them have been encouraged to try harder as well.  My dad has even mentioned getting his guitar set up differently so that it's possible for him to play it a little longer.  The guitar is infectious smile I couldn't ask for more than what the guitar has brought me!  Friends here at Chordie, a love in common with the men in my life, and a way to express myself musically (even if it's only when I'm alone smile)

First song... Leaving on a Jet Plane using A, D, and E open chords.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: new player

my grandpa started to teach me when i was still in primary school but he fell ill and passed away so guess what i inherited his old gibson but could'nt play it yet, but the desire to be able to play kept burnin inside of me.

now almost twenty years later i was still struggling to play and  talking to someone one day i knew for a while but never knew he could play guitar and when we got on the subject he told me to bring my guitar and he will teach me...Yes you guessed correct i still have my gibson and i was so proud...till he told me i need a new guitar.

anyway i went out and bought my 12 string(well with only 6 strings on it at the time) and went back to my mentor and guess what in about a month i was playing my first song, boy was i proud of myself and on the other hand this whole experience made me aware of things that i have been taking for granted over the past couple of years as my guitar teacher is a firm believer and only teaches me gospel songs.

so thats my story and by the way my gibson will be a whopping 100 years old this year... so now you understand why i was told i need a new guitar lol

Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising again when we fall..

Re: new player

leeshay wrote:

so thats my story and by the way my gibson will be a whopping 100 years old this year... so now you understand why i was told i need a new guitar lol

leeshay - In case you didn't know, that "old gibson" could be extremely valuable - possibly in the 10s of thousands of dollars range. Do you have a model or serial number? Also, I would love to see a pic of your old gibby if you can post one.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: new player

topdown my baby has seen better days but hey i'm still soooo proud of her so yes i will post you a pic soon.

Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising again when we fall..

Re: new player

OH YES... I want to see the pic too!  Can you imagine leeshay, if you found out that guitar that you have loved and thought of all these years as a reminder of your grandfather could turn out to be a goldmine in disguise?  What a TRUE gift your grandfather has given you!  The love of music... and????  That's such a heartwarming story!!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

9 (edited by Zurf 2010-01-14 18:42:15)

Re: new player

Oh man - fat fingered a really great response and now I don't have time to repeat it! 

Suffice to say you would have been amused, learned a good deal about me, and probably would have picked up hints to allow you to win the lottery and achieve eternal youth and health.  So sad. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: new player

Yes! and, of course (or should I say "of Chorse"),

Re: new player

please don't laugh but could someone pleaz help me theres a pic of a certain somethin i need to post here but i just realised...i don't know how to go about to do that, could someone pleaz assist me with this

Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising again when we fall..

Re: new player

leeshay wrote:

please don't laugh but could someone pleaz help me theres a pic of a certain somethin i need to post here but i just realised...i don't know how to go about to do that, could someone pleaz assist me with this

If you want you can email it to me and I'll post it for you... It needs to be hosted online (flickr,photobucket,etc...) before it can be posted on the forum.

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]

Re: new player

don't know if this is one of my blond moments guitarpix but if i click on your email link how do i attach the file

Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising again when we fall..

Re: new player

On your email page there should be an Attach button (on some it's a paperclip icon) just click it and choose the file you want attached to the email. -Pix

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]