Re: The Weather !!!!!!!!

^ Wow Doll - That video is frightening - all the crazy drivers driving on the wrong side of the road! big_smile

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: The Weather !!!!!!!!

JEFF!  I nearly spit my coffee all over my computer at that! ha ha ha!

Interesting how the words "slow" are on the road rather than there being signs all over the road side.  Here in NY anyway, that would never work... you can't see the roads half the winter with all the snow on them!

Old Doll... funny... "Don't Shovel the sidewalks!"  ... ha ha... yeah, our towns have laws about that.  If you have a sidewalk in front of your house you are LEGALLY responsible to keep it cleared.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: The Weather !!!!!!!!

lol Topdown,

I never thought about it like that. It must feel scary to see this. I drove last time i was in Croatia { On the wrong side as we say here ] lol, I tell you Topdown, my pot herbs [ Nerves ] were in shreds. I love driving but it felt completely weird to me to  shift gear from the opposite side. I stopped and bought a huge italian icecream waffle. Sat and cooled off untill the nerves were calmed
Got myself home and didnt drive after that at all.

But i did Eat more Ice cream. lol.

Old doll.


Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: The Weather !!!!!!!!

Driving in the U.K. in the left lane was not a real problem until my attention wandered. Then I would find myself easing into the right lane.
The British, Scottish and Irish drivers were super nice and polite to me. I am so glad I didn't kill any of them.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: The Weather !!!!!!!!

Here in Wales we've had snow down for about 2 weeks which is a pretty long time for us as we get the warm air of the gulf stream so our winters are pretty mild for how far north we are.  We're getting night time temps of minus 10 celcius!

I live in pretty hilly place and snow + steep hills = difficult to get around!

Epiphone EJ200  -  Epiphone SG400  -  Fender Strat Blacktop.
Blackstar HT 40 Club  -  Vox VT30 - Behringer ACX ultracoustic 1000

Re: The Weather !!!!!!!!

Cold, but so far less snow than we have had the last two years.  I'll take the cold and dry anyday.

"I don't have pet peeves...I have whole kennels of irritation."  --Whoopi Goldberg

Re: The Weather !!!!!!!!

It's warm in toronto, I was outside in a thin hoodie and was fine, and we have close to no snow but a crapload of slush, which means no sledding, so I am upset.

I am the Carpenter, goo goo ga joob.

Re: The Weather !!!!!!!!

Our cold weather we have this far south may seem wimpy to you hearty northerners but 12 straight days of hard freezes has killed hundreds of fish around my houseboat in Fly Creek and 100 brown pelicans who lived on an island six miles out in the Gulf. No absolute records for low temperatures but the length of the cold spell is proving to be deadly for our wildlife.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: The Weather !!!!!!!!

Weather last week 10 below.

This week up 9 degrees. Bringing with it everygerm known to man.Plus some kind of flies in the garden i never
remember seeing before. These flies hover in clusters in mid air. Hardly midges in this weather ?
Today all  year round sea swimmers were warned of these creaures. Apparently our seas are full of them at the moment.

Portuguese Man of war. Nature is amazing the way it adapts to change. … f-war.html

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: The Weather !!!!!!!!

Dolly killer flies, swimmers beware, very strange. Mind you, I would rather have to look out for killer flies than the many finned creatures that we have. Over here we are still melting  in the heat, and not too far north, the rest of the country is washing away from incessant rain, while only 3 hours away from us, a huge area of the country is in the worst drought in a 100 years. I definitely think that Mother Nature is telling us something. If only the politico's would wake up and listen.

Keep on Rocking and remember Animals Feel Pain Too.

Re: The Weather !!!!!!!!

Warming trend here in Virginia.  A very, very welcome warming trend.  I got out and paddled on Saturday.  The water was still bitter cold, but the air was nice.  I put on my dry-top and waders to stay dry in case of an immersion, bundled up against the chill wind off the water, and had a fantastic paddle down a gorgeous class 2 creek.  Only a couple of the rapids were full class 2 rating from a volume perspective, but I usually add a bit to the ratings when the water's so cold because the consequences of a mistake are a bit more dire than in the heat of summer. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: The Weather !!!!!!!!

Sooooo very tempted to go see this wonderous site but,

My gut instinct tells me NO. I reckon enough people will so so, maybe scare them away. … 23334.html

Old Doll

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: The Weather !!!!!!!!

Made it up to the woods near Little River Friday, to see my buddy on his birthday and pick a little guitar by the fireplace and eat some deer meat, onion rings and funnell cake.
The weather turned quite warm and my friend's son-in law got a huge deer the next morning. He told me about this video where the shoe got onto the other foot:

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?