1 (edited by JaredDutka 2010-01-06 23:46:01)

Topic: Reading tab.

Hey im read tab quite well. But im stuck ive been searching the web for this but cant find it. What do i do here.

---/10---12//13--12---/15-13backslash12-------       sorry dont have backslash on my laptop but what i know is that at the /10 i means just slide from anywhere up to 10th fret but its the 12//13 what does it mean thats what i need help with and the next part 12---/15 is the 12 its own pick or do you hold it then slide up to the 15th please help me

oh ya and the songs call congergation of the damned if listening help figure it out and uhm mabey is the 12//13 a type-o and its supposed to say 12/13

Re: Reading tab.

Hi Jared,

  Just guessing here, but it might be that the tabber was using a double stroke to indicate a bend rather than a slide.  Like pick 12, bend to 13, relax to 12, pick 12 and slide to 15... etc.  Might give that a try and see if it sounds correct.  Most keyboards don't have the correct symbols for music, so sometimes improvisation is required.

Take Care;

"what is this quintessence of dust?"  - Shakespeare