Topic: Thinking of Unknowns. Helena Donovan
I had my usual trip to the Fairy Glen in the Mourne Mountains just recently. For me this place is magical. I took notes on the day about my experience while there. This is the piece.
Thanks in advance for reading.
Thinking of Unknown
Angels walked with me today with thought of Botticelli
Images divine grace me with such pleasure
I pray “to soar a while, ascend the trees so tall
Inside protective wings, blending with the snow
Temperature is low, soul imaged on powder snow
Silence, your presence is unveiled in woodland growth
Voices heard like whispers, sweet celestial sounds
Echo in my head from the mountains all around.
Solitary playing I never quite achieved
Gloved hands make a snowball; I hurl it like a kid
A robin flies out quickly, waistcoat red with pride
His bushy home invaded, he chattered to chastise.
Quietly I watched him as he flew from tree to tree
Winged angelic grace like the ones protecting me
Mastering through time to act as if alone
Territorial comfort halts my thinking of
Old Doll.