Topic: Trouble with St.Ignatius - Rhett Miller
Awhile ago I got the chords for this song here: … natius.txt
I was just starting out and this was a good way to sharpen my C chord.
Later on I found this guy who did a cover for it here:
I was never really happy playing this song. I could not seem to get it sounding right.
Yesterday I stumbled onto a video of Rhett Miller (of the Old 97's) playing St.Ignatius and it inspired me to give it another go. … eater.html
Is the strum pattern Rhett Miller playing different from the other guy’s?
Is it possible for a beginner guitar player to do the “little tricks" Rhett Miller is doing?
Is it possible for anyone here to explain the “little tricks" (other than he has been at it for 20 plus years).
In the beginning of the video he is playing softly and his singing is carrying the tune. This is something I have been trying to master. Any suggestions?
After he sings, “I can't find the words to make it right, to make it right." He slides his hand down the neck of the guitar. What chord does he play? I think it adds so much to the performance.
The chords are basically G, C, D and Em. Is he throwing any others in there?
I really like the solo he does. Its made up of simple chords and doesn't look too difficult. I know I can do it. Does it have to come from the heart as well?
When he gets to, “Someday when we're older, deep in loneliness, Things we said today won't matter, no one could care less “ it looks like he is plucking some strings. Again, is this too advanced for a beginner? How do you do it?
Thanks so much for your help!