Topic: A Couple of feel good Christmas Stories

The first story is about a native couple that won big bucks in a lotto here in Canada. The racist slurs came out like crazy about how they would spend their money. After reading this I for one applaud them. big_smile … _lotto_max

The second story just happened in Florida so Tater...hang in there big_smile
Your time hopefully is next. … +CBS+News)

Anymore feel good stories to share? If so post them up here. big_smile


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: A Couple of feel good Christmas Stories

Good stories KAP.  We can all learn a little from them.  My wife walks our dog every morning and she came home the other morning and said, You know that little lady who walks everyday wearing the cowboy hat."  I said, yes I've seen her.  She said the ladys toes have paper coming out the toes and her toes are sticking out.  She found out that they have hardly any furniture in their house and no car.  We don't know what her husbands story is, but I said why don't we buy her a pair of tennis shoes and give them to her.  So we did and my wife gave them to her this morning.  The lady said this is the only pair of shoes I have.  She was very greatful.  She was wearing the new shoes this afternoon. Yes, we can always do something nice for others.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: A Couple of feel good Christmas Stories

KAP54 wrote:

The first story is about a native couple that won big bucks in a lotto here in Canada. The racist slurs came out like crazy about how they would spend their money. After reading this I for one applaud them. big_smile … _lotto_max

The second story just happened in Florida so Tater...hang in there big_smile
Your time hopefully is next. … +CBS+News)

Anymore feel good stories to share? If so post them up here. big_smile


Cool stories Kenny - I appreciate the thought for Tater.

Your hockey pad story reminded me of this story, something the 'Canes do every year for underprivileged kids. Theses hockey guys are really top notch, friendly and approachable in our community, not like real big superstars as I imagine they are treated up north.

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

4 (edited by Old Doll 2009-12-18 09:16:07)

Re: A Couple of feel good Christmas Stories

Great stuff to read. Very inspiring.

Life should always be about good stories. There's so many good people out there on this planet.

A guy here a while ago bought a lottery ticket. Then left the store without it. It won  about seven hundred  thousand dollars
in the draw. The store keeper vaguely knew the man. He returned the ticket to him when he next came to the store.
The winner then bought the store keeper a Camper Van, something the store keeper always  wished to have.

Aaaah ! Real life is wonderful.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: A Couple of feel good Christmas Stories

GREAT inspirational stories!

We know a little old lady who was probably very crabby in her youth (heck, she's pretty crabby now).  She has family alive, but none of them have anything to do with her.  My mother in law has befriended her and drives her around doing her errands as she can't see well anymore.  She has fallen in love with my little girls.  She thinks the world of them.  Sooo... we invite her to school functions and such... she spent Christmas morning with us last year.  She can get "mouthy" with her opinions, but I just let it slide off remembering that older folks have opinions for reasons, and chances are they're right even if I don't agree at the moment!  We give her pictures of the kids... and my 4 year old treats her just like a grandmother giving her hugs and kisses and such.  Well... I just found out that she has a fortune that she does not wish to share with her family that has nothing to do with her.  This year she paid for half of my daughter's dance classes, sent us $300 for Christmas and insisted ALL presents come from SANTA (but agreed to allow me to write her name on ONE SMALL gift for each kid) and my mother in law says she's said something about her will... her car to my son and a portion of her estate to my girls.  I wish I didn't know this stuff... cuz I'd like to just be kind to her without the info as I have been all along... she's in her late 80's and she deserves a little family like everyone else.  When I said to her, "Loretta, you know you don't have to do this for Christmas, that's a lot of money for the kids especially after paying half of Steph's dance!" ... she got angry with me and in a TONE said, "Well now that's stupid, of course I don't HAVE to."

You never know who you're encountering.  That crabby old lady in line at the grocery store might just be crabby because she needs a little love.  A simple smile goes a LONG way if that's all you can afford to give!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: A Couple of feel good Christmas Stories

On a trip to Ireland, upon leaving a bed and breakfast in a tiny village, my wife set her small black wallet with all our money and credit cards on the trunk of our black rent-a-car. She reloaded her purse - failing to see her black wallet on the black car. We drove on to Galway and discovered our loss. It appeared to be a waste of time to call back to the bed and breakfast but we did.
The bed and breakfast lady was a dynamo. She alerted the whole village and had her sons out looking and spreading the word.
As we drove into town we saw the policeman going into the inn and he had our wallet.
As we drove off the wallet fell to the grass by the road. The mailman saw it and took it to the police station. The police were alerted by the bed and breakfast lady that we were coming back to town.
The money and cards were all there still in our wallet. I asked the policeman if I could leave a forty pound reward for the nice postman. He replied, "Twenty is enough for him." I thanked the wonderful lady at the bed and breakfast and she refused to take more than twenty pounds as well.
Our vacation was saved. We will never forget.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: A Couple of feel good Christmas Stories

You were lucky toots, This may not have happened in the city ! times have changed.

I was at the airport 3 years ago. I found  quite a big unusual bag beside my car on the ground. It was as it turned out made from goats skin.

With the troubles here, we had to be careful always about bags left unaccompanied. Security was our second name ] but i opened it anyway lol Well!  I near fell out of my standing when i seen the contents. It was full of jewelery.  Very very expensive jewelery. There was also a big wad of cash.

I took it back to the security inside the airport door. Laughed as the guy scanned it  nervously again when i explained i found it, as i had already looked inside. As he was taking my details a big tall man  [Africaan as it turned out ] came rushing through the doors . In a panic he was trying to explain he had lost his Goat skin bag. In his panic he hadnt noticed i was holding his bag either. I tipped his arm and said " Is this what your looking for. The relief on the mans face was something to behold.
He grabbed me and swung me around in a big bear hug lol. He was a Jeweler coming to a jewelery convention in Dublin.

In fairness to him he did offer me a reward for my honesty. The person with me thought i was pure stone mad refusing his offer. It was reward enough for me to return the bag to its rightful owner.

Me Mam always told us " If we take something thats not ours ! we lose it back 3 fold. So there is no joy in having whats not yours in the first place.

I declined his offer, he shook my hand and kissed my cheek.   We both went our own way, both satisified we had made the right choice  in this situation. .

Always go with your gut instinct i feel.

Have a blessed day.

Old Doll

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: A Couple of feel good Christmas Stories

big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile big_smile

Great Stories.
Ya gotta love the human spirit when it's working

Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)