Re: F chords

sorry im new dont laugh at me meany  lol

27 (edited by dino48 2009-12-17 03:36:00)

Re: F chords

I wish I would have seen all these cheats years ago,it would have saved me alot of pain in my fingers and wrists,but its better I can play b and f chords properely now. anyone know of any way to cheat your vocals,as I need alot of improvment!!

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

28 (edited by mekidsmom 2009-12-17 12:43:45)

Re: F chords

David, no the configuration xx3211 is not considered a barre chord... it's considered a "cheater F" because it is NOT a barre chord. 

This is the F barre chord that the guys are talking about
as I get it... you're going to barre (put your index finger across) the entire first fret, then use your middle, ring and pinky for the other three (not sure how to write that in numbers?) ... but there's lots of ways to play the same chord... click on resources up top, then on the large chord chart... scroll down to F and click on the image to see variations

Correct me if I'm wrong oh mighty barre chord gurus!

Dino... as for cheating on vocals... I recommend beer!  LOL!  See Zurf's signature line for more details!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

29 (edited by wlbaye 2009-12-17 13:26:23)

Re: F chords

I disagree Amy,

The F chord that you refer to, that is an open chord is just another chord voicing as pointed out by our Theory expert Jerome.
I believe where the cheater term come in, some instructors say you can cheat and use a Fmaj7 instead of the F chord that frets the first and second string together. The Fmaj7 leaves the first string open and is a easier chord to play for beginners and fits in some songs ok.

Ok , my rant is over smile

OOps  i guess not , IT IS NOT A CHEATER F   !!!

There now I'm ok  smile

Later, Wayne P

Re: F chords

dino48 wrote:

I wish I would have seen all these cheats years ago,it would have saved me alot of pain in my fingers and wrists,but its better I can play b and f chords properely now. anyone know of any way to cheat your vocals,as I need alot of improvment!!

No cheating vocals. MKM has a great solution; the drunker you get the better you'll sound (at least to yourself). I think Zurf might recommend a single malt that would be just the medicine but I'm not a scotch drinker so I can't help you there.
I too have an awful voice but it doesn't stop me from singing. I think the best advice I received was someone telling me "you're trying too hard; sing it the way YOU can". I've toned it down and stayed within my limited range and the results while not spectacular are somewhat improved.

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: F chords

wlbaye wrote:

I disagree Amy,

The F chord that you refer to, that is an open chord is just another chord voicing as pointed out by our Theory expert Jerome.
I believe where the cheater term come in, some instructors say you can cheat and use a Fmaj7 instead of the F chord that frets the first and second string together. The Fmaj7 leaves the first string open and is a easier chord to play for beginners and fits in some songs ok.

Ok , my rant is over smile

OOps  i guess not , IT IS NOT A CHEATER F   !!!

There now I'm ok  smile

Whew!!!!!! Welcome to the Ornary Club!!!!!!!! smile

Agreed. That is also a legit F.

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: F chords

Dad Burn it,

Now you've went and done it !

This is my last post !

Concerning the F Chord that is smile

Later, Wayne P

Re: F chords

Can we agree to not use the pejorative term: Cowboy Chords?:)

Re: F chords

wlbaye wrote:

Dad Burn it,

Now you've went and done it !

This is my last post !

Concerning the F Chord that is smile


I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: F chords

LOL!  Ok... so I'm only cheating if I play a Fmaj7 in place of an open F?  YAY!  And here I thought it was considered a cheater if you didn't use the "barre" F!  Wayne... you have made my day with your rant!  smile

As for the barre F... did I get that part right on how to play it?  That one I posted is THE (one of the) "barre F" right?  Say "BARRE F" fast three times...

there... now I'm done too  smile  LOL!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: F chords

Well, now I'm all confused. So, what I thought was a cheater F, is actually a real open F.  Not to be confused with a Barre F, which is a true F. Also not to be confused with the F word, which sometimes slips out of my mouth when I try a true F.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: F chords

I hate to be a meanie but there is no open F chord unless you change the 1st string (E) and tune it up a semi tone to F and play the chord as xx3210 otherwise you leave it alone and mute it and play the chord as xx321x keep in mind any chord may be voiced several ways depending on the notes in the chord just as a C chord is CEG (135) it could also be GEC (531) or ECG (315) etcetera etcetera lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: F chords


You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: F chords

ok seeing as this is my 4000th post I would like to use it to wish EVERYONE in Chordie land a Very Merry Christmas, Happy hanukkah,joyfull Kwanza,big Budda day and for the athiests happy tree worshiping and the agnostics I shall leave with a prayer "dear God if there is a God save my soul if I have a soul" HO HO HO lol

"Growing old is not for sissies"

40 (edited by geoaguiar 2009-12-17 16:25:19)

Re: F chords

Russell_Harding wrote:

I hate to be a meanie but there is no open F chord unless you change the 1st string (E) and tune it up a semi tone to F and play the chord as xx3210 otherwise you leave it alone and mute it and play the chord as xx321x keep in mind any chord may be voiced several ways depending on the notes in the chord just as a C chord is CEG (135) it could also be GEC (531) or ECG (315) etcetera etcetera lol

There's always one in every crowd....just when the chaos begins to subside and everyone concedes.......

Russell has forgot more about guitar then I'll ever now, so if he says play all 6 then you folks just best get to practicing!!!!!

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: F chords

geoaguiar wrote:

No cheating vocals. MKM has a great solution; the drunker you get the better you'll sound (at least to yourself). I think Zurf might recommend a single malt that would be just the medicine but I'm not a scotch drinker so I can't help you there.

1. I prefer to get the audience drunk.  That way, I can keep my mind sharp and continue to play while they get drunk and I begin to sound a whole lot better.

2. Macallan 18 year.  For a less expensive elixir, try Jefferson's small batch bourbon or Elijah Craig 18 year old bourbon. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: F chords

Merry Christmas, Russell.  Whether you have soul or not is yet to be determined.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

43 (edited by arkady 2009-12-17 18:34:31)

Re: F chords

Russell_Harding wrote:

ok seeing as this is my 4000th post

You know Russ it doesn't seem like yesterday that a certain "Acapo" arrived on the Chordie scene with his "Iron underware" song... smile
Well done in reaching your 4000th I guess that puts you top of the posters..

Keeping to the spirit of the thread The F B and barres feel like mountians when you climb them and feel more like mole hills when you climb down...

Re: F chords

Wow!  Disecting the F.

OK, couple of things.

It is a barre.  The barre does not imply that you must barre across the entire fretboard, only that you are moving the effective placement of the nut.   Any time you use one finger to mash more than one string, you're barring.  Consider D major, for example.  You can barre that and move it all over the fretboard, too, but there's no need to play the E or A strings, as they don't play into the chord for that shape.

F major is F A C.   If you play the "cheater version" you end up with C F A C, which is the 2nd inversion of F (but still F).  If you don't strike either the E or A strings, then you have F A C F again, which is a proper F major chord.   

If what you want is that deep boom in your songs, then play the "full barre" voicing.  If you don't want it, all of those other voicing are perfectly legitimate options.

And Merry Christmas, or whatever it is you choose to be happy about.

Someday we'll win this thing...


Re: F chords

Disection clears it up...a little.  Thanks for that Jerome.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: F chords

having a soul is not the same  as have soul  the former is the spirit within everyone,the latter having soul is the ability to feel emotion when singing or performing a song and I believe I have both smile

bensonp wrote:

Merry Christmas, Russell.  Whether you have soul or not is yet to be determined.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: F chords

Ark yes acapo still lives! but only on the chess circuit as that is my user name he is my alter ego calm,calculating,ruthless slayer of pawns take no quarter victory at all cost entity lol 

arkady wrote:
Russell_Harding wrote:

ok seeing as this is my 4000th post

You know Russ it doesn't seem like yesterday that a certain "Acapo" arrived on the Chordie scene with his "Iron underware" song... smile
Well done in reaching your 4000th I guess that puts you top of the posters..

Keeping to the spirit of the thread The F B and barres feel like mountians when you climb them and feel more like mole hills when you climb down...

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: F chords

Zurf wrote:
geoaguiar wrote:

No cheating vocals. MKM has a great solution; the drunker you get the better you'll sound (at least to yourself). I think Zurf might recommend a single malt that would be just the medicine but I'm not a scotch drinker so I can't help you there.

1. I prefer to get the audience drunk.  That way, I can keep my mind sharp and continue to play while they get drunk and I begin to sound a whole lot better.

2. Macallan 18 year.  For a less expensive elixir, try Jefferson's small batch bourbon or Elijah Craig 18 year old bourbon. 

- Zurf continue to be a great on line source for bourbon recommendations

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: F chords

jerome.oneil wrote:

Wow!  Disecting the F.

OK, couple of things.

It is a barre.  The barre does not imply that you must barre across the entire fretboard, only that you are moving the effective placement of the nut.   Any time you use one finger to mash more than one string, you're barring.  Consider D major, for example.  You can barre that and move it all over the fretboard, too, but there's no need to play the E or A strings, as they don't play into the chord for that shape.

F major is F A C.   If you play the "cheater version" you end up with C F A C, which is the 2nd inversion of F (but still F).  If you don't strike either the E or A strings, then you have F A C F again, which is a proper F major chord.   

If what you want is that deep boom in your songs, then play the "full barre" voicing.  If you don't want it, all of those other voicing are perfectly legitimate options.

And Merry Christmas, or whatever it is you choose to be happy about.

Thank you!  I appreciate the dissection. 

Hmmm... and to think, this thread started out as "how do I play F?" and turned into a music theory lesson.  Ahhh... that music theory keeps poking jabs at me everywhere I go... I must learn it... I must... but I've been fighting it since high school, "Amy, take music theory with me, get some voice lessons, and apply to Fredonia" ... ahhh... if I learn some music theory now, maybe by the time I turn 60 I'll be ready for Fredonia!  LMAO!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: F chords

that's the wonderful thing about Chordie.  You end up learning theory, whether you want to or not.  It's relatively painless.  Thanks guys for all the knowledge.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.