Topic: F chords

hi im trying to find an easy way to play an f chord. im having so much trouble getting the hang of it. please help. thanks

Re: F chords


Re: F chords
The way bonner plays is the way I play it too... if you can fret the first and second strings all the better... but you can usually get away with leaving the first string open.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: F chords

thanks that helps alot

Re: F chords

Try practicing an E chord but use your 2nd 3rd and 4th fingers instead of 1st 2nd and 3rd. Once you can do this OK then slide it up a fret and use your 1st finger to fret boththe 1st and 2nd strings at the 1st fret. If you twist your wrist just a little bit towards you it may be a bit easier.

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: F chords

Try Fmaj7 as an interim solution. It doesn't always fit but many times it does.

Re: F chords

if you leave the first string open its an Fma7 (strumming 4 strings)so you will have to mute the first string and play the chord as xx321x which is the way mekidsmom and bonner describe smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: F chords

And that, mekidsmom, is the way I first learned and have always played it.  Sounds good to me.

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I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: F chords

Take the time to learn to play a bar chord F. Trust me. Learning to use and move this shape will pay big rewards down the road. For years I cheated, happy just to play a song. One day you will realize how vitally important bar chords are. It's fun to play the "cowboy chords" (thanks to Guitarpix for the term) but you NEED to learn these vital shapes. Learn F, B and Bminor bar shapes for starters. These shapes will serve you well up and down the fret board. I know they suck at first (as a matter of fact B still sucks) but don't underestimate how these shapes will open up a whole new way of playing guitar.

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: F chords

Can you play a barre cord while riding your horse Geo?  LOL!  Someday... but for now, a few months in, I'm happy to just play any chord.  There are a LOT of songs that I like that have Bm in them however, so I know someday I will have to learn... it's just not the same transcribing them all the time... and then, that doesn't always work out well!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

11 (edited by geoaguiar 2009-12-15 13:46:58)

Re: F chords

mekidsmom wrote:

Can you play a barre cord while riding your horse Geo?  LOL!  Someday... but for now, a few months in, I'm happy to just play any chord.  There are a LOT of songs that I like that have Bm in them however, so I know someday I will have to learn... it's just not the same transcribing them all the time... and then, that doesn't always work out well!

My high horse? Yes, I believe I could but I'm not much of an equestrian. I can play them while laying on the sofa. I know that doesn't sound like an accomplishment but it is!

I played on and off for 20 years (with a 10 year hiatus) and a few years back I really found out how useful bar chords are. Being able to move a 1/2 shapes around the fret board and create virtually any chord is awesome. These shapes lead you to start thinking of lead guitar licks as well which then lead to scales, etc...

I'm ranting again aren't I?????

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: F chords


That was a good one Amy !  I woulda missed that one smile  but Geo didn't

If i get too opinionated let me know also  smile

Almost as good as Pix   "Cowboy Chords"  smile

It sucks having "Barre Chord Masters look down us Cowboys and Cowgirls"   smile

Later, Wayne P

Re: F chords

geoaguiar wrote:

Learn F, B and Bminor bar shapes for starters. These shapes will serve you well up and down the fret board. I know they suck at first (as a matter of fact B still sucks) but don't underestimate how these shapes will open up a whole new way of playing guitar.

B is evil and I have been granted amnesty.  I hear your point, but choose to ignore it at my own risk. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: F chords

Zurf wrote:

B is evil and I have been granted amnesty.  I hear your point, but choose to ignore it at my own risk. 

- Zurf

It's precisely this attitude that has the B population on the decline. Scientists are genuinely worried that Bs will die out all together. This B amnesty has to end!

Is anything really made up of zeros and ones??

Re: F chords

LOL!  I love you guys!  I do have to say, my husband has been working on barre cords (and I HOPE he can play them on his new electric) and I can absolutely see how "easy" playing guitar would be if I could play them.  It's a double edged sword in a way!  I get that once you get them... you can do almost anything "simply" by moving around... but to get them is another story!

I don't know if I could play my cowgirl chords on horseback... but I'm POSITIVE I couldn't play barre chords!  LOL!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: F chords

Zurf wrote:
geoaguiar wrote:

Learn F, B and Bminor bar shapes for starters. These shapes will serve you well up and down the fret board. I know they suck at first (as a matter of fact B still sucks) but don't underestimate how these shapes will open up a whole new way of playing guitar.

B is evil and I have been granted amnesty.  I hear your point, but choose to ignore it at my own risk. 

- Zurf

Truth is I cheat on B as well and secretly wished I had amnesty as well. BUT every day I try the right way with at least one chord progression. Someday I will have "Russell Harding" fingers!!!!

I play B like:
22444x (the little x is for muting. I've trained my top knuckle of my 3rd finger to mute the high E string. Sounds weird but I've become quite good at it. Not quite as bright as real B.

There, I've been exposed....That is the B shape I'm sliding around....I feel ashamed....Might have to stop posting now.....

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: F chords

wlbaye wrote:


That was a good one Amy !  I woulda missed that one smile  but Geo didn't

If i get too opinionated let me know also  smile

Almost as good as Pix   "Cowboy Chords"  smile

It sucks having "Barre Chord Masters look down us Cowboys and Cowgirls"   smile

I've seen you pick ones looking down at you smile

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: F chords

I cheat on my chords much as Tiger Woods cheats on his wife.  And i have found that I, too, can still lead a fruitful and happy life.  And Like geo, I try barre chords once a day.  I know once a day will probably never get me there, but......when I play and sing, never has anyone said, "Stop right there, you are playing cheater chords and I refuze to listen."  Only professional players would comment on my use of chords and I almost never play in front of professionals.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: F chords

Sorry Geo, I was just havin fun smile

In fact I am just workin on an old Johny Rivers song that is all Barre Chords, but don't tell anybody smile

Please don't stop posting !

I see no reason to play a B chord, that's why God made a capo smile

Later, Wayne P

Re: F chords

bensonp wrote:

I cheat on my chords much as Tiger Woods cheats on his wife.  And i have found that I, too, can still lead a fruitful and happy life.  And Like geo, I try barre chords once a day.  I know once a day will probably never get me there, but......when I play and sing, never has anyone said, "Stop right there, you are playing cheater chords and I refuze to listen."  Only professional players would comment on my use of chords and I almost never play in front of professionals.

And the pros cheat too!!!!!! Playing supposed to be fun. that's what it's ll about. I was just trying to point out how many doors bar chords can open up.

MKM I'll get off that horse now.

I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused.
Elvis Costello

Re: F chords

My advice is simple, play it how ever you can now but remember to continue practicing it the ways you can't smile

I occasionally use the cheater F (xx321x) It just fits some songs better... Like "What it's Like" … re=related but mostly I prefer barre.... I just find it easier to manuever from chord to chord and add variations to the strumming like muting and such.

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]

22 (edited by manicbassman 2009-12-16 17:30:31)

Re: F chords

I always try to play in G... then I have easier B minor barre chords and a nice easy F#dim

if the song isn't in an easy key, then I capo to get to playing easier shaped chords... the transpose feature is very helpful for this

that's why a lot of country artists use a capo on two or three... means they can stick to using easy chords

If a song has a weird key and awkward chords, you'll probably find that it's really played with a capo when you check it out on youtube.

[url=]a better photo of me[/url]
[url=]My basses[/url]
haven't photographed my guitars yet... smile

Re: F chords

geoaguiar wrote:

And the pros cheat too!!!!!! Playing supposed to be fun. that's what it's ll about. I was just trying to point out how many doors bar chords can open up.

MKM I'll get off that horse now.

I agree... it's all supposed to be fun!  And I agree with your point too geo!  It's just not as easy as it sounds, but I can see the doors it could open up.  I was mostly just picking on ya too... you're a good guy!  Off the horse and come on in for some hot cocoa!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: F chords

question is  x43211 a barr chord cause if it i need to jump for joy cause i finally got a full sound out of it instead muffled

Re: F chords

shouldn't that be xx3211? ( x43211 ) sounds like the waltz of the zombies lol

davidwd wrote:

question is  x43211 a barr chord cause if it i need to jump for joy cause i finally got a full sound out of it instead muffled

"Growing old is not for sissies"