Topic: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Our version of "Little Drummer Boy".
Casey is wearing a Soviet Army uniform top and a hat my sister-in-law found at a rummage sale.
My hat is a souvenier from a trip to Holland.
Merry Christmas to you all.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Alright tubatooter!  bring on the Christmas spirit.  I enjoyed that one.

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Well done toots and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Very nice Toots! I enjoyed that smile

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

great little gig there tubatooter,I like to see it when someone is spending time with a relitive like that.

my papy said son your going too drive me too drinking if you dont stop driving that   Hot  Rod  Lincoln!! Cmdr cody and his lost planet airman

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Merry Christmas Toots and Casey.
This is one of my favorite Christmas songs, Well Done.

You guys are getting Gooder big_smile


Just Keepin on Keepin on
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Posted a comment on your-tube... LOL... EXCELLENT!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Toots i thought that was excellent.
Verry Verry Good. My favourite version of Little Drummer Boy is Neil Diamond.
You are a good second. By the way how did you make the Video.?
Pastor Laurence

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Nice one Toots,

I also commented on Youtube.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

PastorLaurence wrote:

By the way how did you make the Video.?
Pastor Laurence

Thank you, Pastor Lawrence.
My grandson, Casey got a Sony Handy Cam for his eighth birthday. He doesn't read this forum so I can tell you guys I got him Bongo drums for Christmas. He has a video blog of his own where he can goof and be viewed worldwide:

We recorded this video in our music room at home.
My wife, Hariett (Grammy) was our camera person.
We wish to thank all of you Chordians for your wonderful feedback on this great forum and for your U-Tube comments.

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Thanks again toots for replying.
I sincerly meant what I said. Your video and presention of
Little Drummer Boy is excelient.
Your playing and sing along with Casey truely inspired me.
You must be proud of him, and he of his grandad.
Here is the Neil Diamond version.
May the Lord bless you real well through His birth, this Christmas.
Pastor Laurence.

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Your name certainly suits you. perfect rage
my comments were not to you but to Toots and his grandson.
Their Video and singing did bless me, a great effort from them.
I would like to know where i praised the Lord ?
If i have offended anyone on this site I would prefair to be told by a Moderator.and not a Monkey
I am certainly sure Sir your comment towards me will not go down to well with many.

My apologies to you toots. this was your thread, and I thought you deserved complimented.
Pastor Laurence

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Well toots i cant access your video at work but i'm sure it's good. Pastor i'm with you 100% and i rejoice with you Praising God for his blessings and those that do a good job of something.
Rage you deserve the right to praise whomever you wish as anyone else is but this isn't the place for religious arguments and i'm sure the moderators will edit anything that isn't worthy of this site. Welcome to chordie.

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

From the sticky note on top of this section:

How to enjoy Chordie's forum:
Basic Guidelines
DO'S Be friendly, be helpful.Ask questions.Share knowledge and ideas.Respect personal differences.

DO NOTS;*No obscenity, no foul or degrading language.
*No spam. Messages that simply promote a product, a service, or that advocate for a political or religious cause will be deleted. Spammers will be banned.
*No posting of copyrighted material (unless you are the writer).

PLEASE REMEMBER;Use common sense - this is a public place!Chordie's forum is used by people of all ages and cultural backgrounds.Chordie's forum is about Music and Musicians.Topics that become arguments over Religion and/or Politics will be closed or deleted.The forum Moderators and Administrators are volunteers.An individual who causes problems will be warned or banned

Lets keep this thread on-topic or it will be closed

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Sorry to hear "perfect rage" didn't enjoy your song choice Toots... I did tho... thank you AGAIN for sharing it with us all.  Pastor Laurence, thank you for sharing Neil Diamond's version... I haven't heard that in a while!  He has such a... STRONG emotion in his music.  Bless you.

Um... welcome to Chordie rage... I hope you get to know folks around here and enjoy yourself... or not.  To each his own I guess.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

i'm not overly religious, but i will stand to the death to allow any religion it's say. all religions if they're worth their salt, preach peace and love. what perfect rage is preaching is hate. in which case i'm soooo glad this person has been banned.




Ask not what Chordie can do for you, but what you can do for Chordie.

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Please may I appeal to all you Moderators to re consider your decision to ban perfect rage from the forum.
I didn't realise he was banned until I read Phil's entry..  LISTEN PLEASE We all open our mouth and say things which we wish we hadn't. Please if anyone should take a back seat and stop commenting It should be me.
As you all know I am not to long a member here, and this forum could be Rage's whole intrest, He may have learnt something by his objection. Sometimes we all open our mouth at the wrong time.
Pastor Laurence

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Pastor I for one agree with his banning his message was mean spirited and ill timed and he was fair warned not to repeat his rant and continued to do so he made his bed now he can sleep in it.

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

I will take that as a fair comment from you Russell.
Thank you . May everyone on this site have a
Wonderful Happy Christmas.
Pastor Laurence

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

PastorLaurence wrote:

Please may I appeal to all you Moderators to re consider your decision to ban perfect rage from the forum.
I didn't realise he was banned until I read Phil's entry..  LISTEN PLEASE We all open our mouth and say things which we wish we hadn't. Please if anyone should take a back seat and stop commenting It should be me.
As you all know I am not to long a member here, and this forum could be Rage's whole intrest, He may have learnt something by his objection. Sometimes we all open our mouth at the wrong time.
Pastor Laurence

This is surely the way of Christ. The guy made an attack on you and what you are for and you give him the gift of forgiveness and plea for his return. I wish we could all be this way. Thank You Pastor for the perfect example of forgiveness that should remind us that it is a daily thing and not only for the holidays. Well done moderators. I see it as one less trouble maker.

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

I had read Rages Post early today.

I'd also written a reply. But then  hadnt time to post same as work got in the way.

For what its worth i hope Rage can read this anyway somehow. I see now he is banned !

Hi Rage,

I'm left wondering why you zoned in on this thread. Did you not look at any of the  thousands of other post on here ?
There's not a religious content in the vast majority of them !
As for pastor Laurence ! Being fake, that he may be. I personally am  not bothered whether he is or not. He behaves like a gentleman always  to other chordie members young and old here. This character trait is number 1 here on chordie. He { Pastor Laurence ] shows respect in his post  always to other members here.

Toots and popster are  a wonderful example of how Family should be. How lucky for this wee boy is to have a granddad who loves him so much he takes time to teach him all he can about whats good in life.

It may not be your choice of entertainment, That's OK. My God may not be yours either ! That's also OK.
We each choose our own way to love and live.
I prefer my prince of peace, He/ She, don't make me rage at the world and its people.

Christmas ! is about giving.   The most expensive presents cannot be wrapped.
The gift of loving your fellow man.
Rage ! I wish you love and light in your world.. You appear to be in a dark ole place in your world..

Old Doll.

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Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: A Merry Christmas From Casey & the Popster

Pastor... I had a feeling you might say something as kind as you have.  Sadly, I think this person's whole reason for becoming a member of this forum was simply to attack you and God... that is NOT ok... and I'll believe that is why he was banned, not just because of his outright attack.

Old Doll... well said! 

Moderators... awesome job!

Toots ... to keep on topic, I will say again... thank you so much for sharing.  I'm sorry we've hijacked your thread with the nonsense that has come.  Maybe, just maybe there are tons of people that have looked at this thread because if it's negativity and  one or two have found something good from it on accident.  THAT is what the God that I believe in is all about... and in my opinion... what this season is also about.  I'll say, hijacked yes... but think of all the good that can come of it, and it was all because you shared this wonderful song with us.  THANK YOU!

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.