Topic: AMPS

Hi, hope this is the right place to place this topic.

I need a new amp, and as I sing as well play the guitar through it, I am very interested in any that will help me improve my singing, so tone is more important than volume.

I don't make a lot from my gigs, so I am sorry price is very inportant.  If you offer some advice, maybe I could look on e-bay ?

Thanks, I know that you will all help.


man is the dream of the doliphin


Acoustic guitar or electric and what type of music you play ?

Later, Wayne P


good question, sorry
but I did say I was hopping to make my voice sound better !!
my voice is acoustic and a bit rough.  my guitar is electric, and I play it through a Boss, so I have all the effects I need for the guitar, but my small mixer, which I also sing through has no effects, so my voice comes, out just the same as it went in.  I think that a better amp would improve my sound, as I could use the amp effects.
the music I play ranges far and wide from blues / rock to country.
hope this helps, and thank you for your interest

man is the dream of the doliphin


Tony I am basicly a novice but since I joined chordie I have  been learning. One thing I have learned from the recording thread is that our voices often sound better to other people than they do to us. You may not need as much effects as you think.

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.


I play through a small Peavey P.A. system with a nice little spring reverb for voice. It cost (used) less than some guitar amps.
My old Gibson and Korg A-4 effects pedal sound great through it and I have two more channel inputs for my grandson's vocal and djembe drum mike. I found the four channel, 200 watt Peavey power head in a pawn shop for$100.
A local music store sold me two used Audio Centron speakers with ten inch speakers and horns for $200. The driver and speakers are a good match and sound great together (pure luck).

We pronounce it "Guf Coast".
Ya'll wanna go down to the Guf?


thank you deadstring, what you say is true, but we are all critical of our own perfornance, and do what we can to improve it.

thank you tubatooter, I had not considered a P.A. system, I will look in to it.

thanks to all who have given there time to read this.


man is the dream of the doliphin


I have a Carvin six channel PA that works very well... for voice a touch of reverb and sometimes a little chorus can add some richness...remember it's awful easy to overdo it though...  I agree with deadstring that we are often our worst critics... maybe you can perform for some friends and get some feedback on what sounds best.

Speaking of a Portable'll have separate channels so you can shape the sound for voice/mics, each instrument, can add CD/MP-3, backing tracks, etc. and the overall cost of a PA is often quite competitive with a quality amp.

Middleaged Redneck sorta guy who refuses to grow up...passion for music, especially Southern Rock but like bout everything cept Gangsta/Hip Hop. Collect guitars, mandolins, and love to ride Harleys.


if you want to know what I mean about voice quaility, please click the link … =498977818
the guitar is going through the boss, my voice is not.

man is the dream of the doliphin


Tony I've heard a lot worse. I even asked my wife to take a listen. She also liked it.

When the Power of Love overcomes The Love of Power the world will be a better place.


Thank you deadstring, you have given me more confidence, which maybe a bad thing,

but as long as ny audiance keep on dancing, I'l keep on playing


man is the dream of the doliphin


The best amp I've found and actually purchased is the Fishman Solo Amp.  I had my buddy try it out and he said, "This amp makes me sound like a god!"  It really is that good.  It has two inputs for guitars or mics, plus an aux input.  It includes phantom power, an anti-feedback attenuator for each channel and 4 reverb models.  Its an awesome amp that works in almost every venue. Oh, did I mention that it takes about 60 seconds to set it up?

Now available in 5G !


cheers tandm3, that sounds just like what I am looking for, sounding like a GOD would be better than sounding like a DOG

man is the dream of the doliphin


Wow, tandn3, at over £1,000 it is way passed my budget, I would be gigging for free for over a year, but thank you for your interest.

man is the dream of the doliphin


Got one.
Marshall G15RCD
It just right for my needs, having two inputs, one for the guitar, and one for the Boss, allows me to set the Boss input for singing, this allows me to add efects like reverb and others to improve my voice, these sounds are not controled in the Marshall, so what I put in is what comes out, but the guitar can use the features that are on the Marshall giving me (at last) a live sound that I can live with.
cost for the Marshall £40 second hand off ebay, but local to me so I picked it up.
Truely Thanks for all your help.
Now how do I find more GIGs

man is the dream of the doliphin


Have you seen the "Line6 spider IV 75"

That is one good amp but expensive meaning i have to buy it myself
Do you know were you can get one cheaper than £293

[color=#FF0000][b]ROCK AND ROLL AIN'T NOISE POLLUTION[/b][/color]


I always look a ebay, first

man is the dream of the doliphin