Topic: What the heck? I can't actually search for topics.

Hello, all.

I would like to report something. I can't actually search for topics in Internet Explorer. When I try to, it gives me a nasty little error message to the effect of <b>"Internet Explorer cannot open site "such and such" (replace such and such with page I'm trying to view) operation aborted."</b>

Any insight into why this might be happening would be appreciated.

Shady W.


Re: What the heck? I can't actually search for topics.

Hi Shady

sorry I cannot hel pyou but asking this in a "about chordie" probably will not and hopefully not get a lot of replies more than this one.

Why not try asking Microsoft or go onto a web site that deals with internet problems.

Sorry, I love being helpful but this really is the wrong place to ask.

If everyone, evn if they are chordie regulars started asking alsorts on the site it would take the site away from the theme it is based on.

sorry for the negative reply


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending