Topic: Google Maps
Google has mapped London Ont. from the ground. A lot of people are upset about it cause they say it's an invasion of privacy. I'm Ok with it cause I didn't get caught on my back deck drinking a beer in my gauchies and picking my nose. With this you can zoom in for a high resolution picture.
If your not sure how it works and you want to see my home, my S10 truck and my back deck, go to goggle maps (At the top of Google home page) and type in 454 admiral drive london ontario. click on the pin to get the street view. From there you can manipulate and travel the street to see the sights.
Check your own address to see if they caught you with your pants down. ( No Pun Intended ). Hopefully nothing incriminating will show up. There was a lot of people in downtown London that are in it and are real upset. I can see their point but then again it's just a picture with out a name.
It doesn't bother me that I gave my address here cause I can't see how it can be of harm.
Any other thoughts on this?
Enjoy the tour.
Martin DC15E
Cort MR710F
Squire Strat (Chinese)