Topic: help songwriting

I often find that i write a verse and i like it but can't seem to follow through with it. I do on most songs, but some i can't find more for. any suggestions?

Re: help songwriting

hi averydanger welcome to chordie when i joined chordie i just read through the different catorgrys then when i came to songwriting i just read through the songs posted,i had wrote only two songs before that,something clicked and i wrote 11 songs in two days,now i average about three a week,255+since may 07,i must have been bursting at the seams with ideas and its all thanks to chordie and its members giving me that kickstart,just write what you feel,put your ideas down and expand each till the song develops,sadly i can't read or write music so i go with the flow so to speak,have fun and enjoy it thats the key ingredient.....stay cool

love is life ,life is for love,keep a true heart and live life to the full....stay cool

Re: help songwriting

Hi Averydanger,

I don't consider myself a songwriter ! but writing i do lots of. I keep all my ideas in  documents.
my WWW has been erratic the last few days. But i could use my documents to write. I was glad to work on some of the ideas i had saved . It was better then going off my chump with all this rainy weather were being blessed with.

My advice to you is open a document, print what you have about each piece that comes to you. Try naming them. File and save.
Even ifs its only a sentence, write it down and save
Then you can always come back to them to add more. Sometimes with a fresh look at them lots more ideas will come to you.

I write and then sometimes rewrite after a second or third perusal. As for ideas ? there around us all the time. I expect its what grabs you and your creativity.

I hope this helps somewhat.

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: help songwriting

hi and welcome to chordie from me Avery

I think a lot of song writers have this problem. I have heard a few on tv saying how it took them so many months or even years to write a song. they had the idea and a verse or just a chorus but thats it to start with until they come up with the rest of it so dont think yer alone there.

What Old doll says is really good advice. It is what I do all the time. I, like you can get a verse then I am lost. I dont want to writ down anything just to finish it there and then so I save it in a word document under " song ideas". Right now I have probably got about 50 odd ideas. SOmetimes I can join a few verses together. when i get the song finished i will rename it and take it out my " song ideas" and put it into "lyrics needing music" unless i already have music which will be in an audio file.

Or what i sometimes do as well is use my mobile phone as recorder and when i have ideas i will either sing them or talk the lyrics int the phone so i dont forget them.


ye get some that are cut out for the job and others just get by from pretending

Re: help songwriting

Welcome to Chordie AveryDanger, big_smile
I'm green at writing myself but I have found that as posted by Old Doll, upyerkilt and daddycool, when writing lyrics happens, it just happens. If your stuck on a chorus or verse log it, then somehow record the melody so you won't forget it (unless you have a very good memory lol ) The right words will come to you when the time is right. If you force it, the song will suffer. Let the emotion of the song dictate the lyric, not the motion of getting it done in a hurry.

Hope that helps you big_smile


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