Topic: Going on 3 years...

This coming Sunday (Nov 22) Makes 3 years I've been attempting to play the guitar. It's also my wife and I's 12 year wedding anniversary.  Man time really flies by... I used to have trouble remembering our anniversary till she bought me a guitar on one  smile Now I have an "important" reason to remember the date lol
  Anyone else keep track of the day you started playing and set goal songs for each year. Mine for this year was "Girl from Ipanema" Here's fretkillers version  I worked on it pretty hard earlier this year but slacked off it the past few months.. Been spending most of my time the last 2 weeks trying to get it down and meet my deadline.... Looks like I may miss my goal this time though. I can play it through but I still can't get it timed just right or quite up to full speed. So I've issued myself an extension smile to finish learning it before the new year. Now I have to find one for the 4 year mark.. Any suggestions?

My one year goal song was "Burn one down" … re=related and at 2 years it was to be able to play "bang bang" That one turned out to be just one riff all the way through so I got off pretty easy...

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]

Re: Going on 3 years...

Hey Pix,

Happy Anniversary,

I never set goals for myself as far as songs. Seems I would get frustrated and move on to something else and come back to them a few months or years later and they sometimes come easy. I have  made a commitment to myself to try and play some everyday. I like to get at least an hour a day and try to do something that makes me feel good about my playing.

This can be a very up and down hobby and I hope for more highs than lows smile

Later, Wayne P

Re: Going on 3 years...

Happy Anniversary.

As far as goals, I try not to set them for things that I do for fun.  No need to set myself up for frustration or failure relative to my entertainment.  I may identify areas where I need to work or identify something as a "stretch song", but I don't set a time by which I have to reach the accomplishments, and if there's something that tickles my fancy before I reach it, I permit myself the distraction. 

That said, each year with my fishing I set the goal of "catch a fish."  I accomplished that this year. 

- Zurf

Granted B chord amnesty by King of the Mutants (Long live the king).
If it comes from the heart and you add a few beers... it'll be awesome! - Mekidsmom
When in doubt ... hats. - B.G. Dude

Re: Going on 3 years...

I've tried the goal thing and never seem to make it.  If i really want to learn a difficult song, I just practice parts of it everytime I pick up my guitar.  When i get that part down, I go to the next, until I have the whole thang down.  Sometimes i get bored half way through and come back to it later.  Not a very good system, but......

You can see all my video covers on [url][/url]
I have finally found happiness in my life.  Guitars, singing, beer and camping.  And they all intertwine wonderfully.

Re: Going on 3 years...

Happy guitar and wedding anniversary to ya Pix!

Mucho respect for even attempting a fretkiller tune after just 3 years. That dude has been playing many more years I have no doubt.

Although I don't remember the actual date I re-picked up the guitar, I do remember it was August of '07. Some guy from down east visited me a few months later and was very helpful smile

Rule No. 1 - If it sounds good - it is good!

Re: Going on 3 years...

Happy  loving Anniversary Guitarpix, to you and your beauty.

No, i dont set goals, there like new years resolutions they always get put on the back burner lol

I do play the guitar everyday for a time to keep my tips tough. Lordy my left hand tips are like a breeze block at the moment.
I remember very well when i started to play. My youngest sister died . I used the guitar to stop my head from going mad with distress and the loss of her. It was my brothers suggested  i join Chordie. i was always annoying them for chords and lyrics

[Was that a chorus of  chordians saying ["God forgive them "] lol

I had always liked the guitar, Its nearly 5 years now, i still love learning. Im grateful for every wee thing i can manage to learn.
Ive learned sooooo much here from all you generous people.

So Thank You"

Old Doll.

Why Blend in with the Crowd ? When you were made to stand out !

Re: Going on 3 years...

Happy Anniversary Pix,

  You've only been playing 3 years Wow! I would have guessed much longer with all you know, anyway, teel your Wife we all said hello and Happy Anniversary from Chordie!


Keep a fire burning in your eyes
Pay attention to the open sky
You never know what will be coming down

Re: Going on 3 years...

Pix I wish both you and your wife a happy anniversary and keep on pickin smile

"Growing old is not for sissies"

Re: Going on 3 years...

Pix, I agree with Cam... would have thought you'd been playing much longer based on the amount of knowledge you seem to have.  I hope I can be half the guitar player you are at three years!  Congrats on the anniversary to you, the wife and the guitar!

My goal, while not much, is to be able to play a handful of songs well without music in front of me by next summer... so at least SOMEONE has a guitar out at the next campfire!  Nothing major.  I just want to be able to play a few tunes (and be able to sing along... ahh... yes I need to learn all the lyrics in proper order too) and give a little of that feeling I used to enjoy so much while my father was playing and hopefully he can sit and sing along with me for a change.  I think he'd really enjoy that.

Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.
What constitutes excellent music is in the ears of the listener.

Re: Going on 3 years...

I totally agree with what they said! I woulda guessed you were a lifelong player Pix!

I can't say I remember what day I started, but I remember the day that my mom arranged me to get classical guitar lessons! Not the date though. I was about... 7 or 8, and I never left it big_smile
I started picking as well about two or three years ago. Classical has always been the major though. You learn everything playing classical, then acoustic is easy.

Re: Going on 3 years...

The wife and I both thank all of you for the happy anniversary blessings!

Don't know why I set myself goals but I always have... I have a goal song almost every month.  I guess it's just a personality quirk sad I'm that way about everything. If I'm learning something, I really emerse myself in it and approach it strategically. I really enjoy a challenge and feel like I always need to push myself...
  I have to say, that music has really changed my life. At the risk of sounding like the hippie I really am smile When I held the guitar for the first time there was a special kind of feeling... Like, Yea this is were I need to be! Even though I couldn't even strum it evenly, I was hooked smile It's been a love affair every since. My wife says I love my guitars more than her wink I pick it up, gently rub the curves and omit a happy sigh, with that loving twinkle in my eye  (her description) lol lol 
  Oh well, back to work! I've been painting the studio the last 2 days and now the wife want's the bedroom painted as well... Honey do's... and I can't deny with the anniversary tomorrow.

[b][color=#FF0000]If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something.
[/color][/b]         [b]Peace of mind. That's my piece of mind...[/b]

Re: Going on 3 years...

Congrats of both accounts, Pix. Now if I can talk to about getting your priorities in order. Try this.

"Pick your wife up, gently rub the curves and omit a happy sigh, with that loving twinkling twinkle in your eye" AND I'LL BET YOU THAT WILL GET YOU OUTTA DOING ALL THAT DAD-GUM PAINTING!

Just a thought, Nela.

Re: Going on 3 years...

Happy Anniversary Pix on both the marriage to your guitar and to the wife. I hope you have many more with both of them.